A mum claimed she was threatened with arrest after her daughter and a friend were hit and robbed by two men near an Asda supermarket.
Chelsea Steadman, 17, was with her 16-year-old friend near Asda in Wolverhampton when they were approached by two men.
West Midlands Police said the violent robbers launched the sick attack in Staveley Road, which saw one of the girls knocked out and kicked in the head. The two young victims also had their money and bank cards stolen during the horrific ordeal on Tuesday, December 13.
Chelsea managed to get away to find help before she was injured. But, sadly, the attack has left the youngster afraid to leave the house, reports Birmingham Live.
Chelsea's mum Lindsay, 36, said she rushed to the scene after being alerted by a family member. But Lindsay said she was shocked after being threatened with arrest after becoming upset by the situation, she claimed.
She said: "The men approached my daughter and asked if the 16-year-old friend was her mom before smacking her.
"Her friend was on the floor with blood coming out of her nose.

"After she was knocked out they were trampling over her and kicked her in the head. They went to punch Chelsea, too. But she managed to dodge it and run to the shop for help. Nine police cars came and ambulances came too after a 999 call.
"Her friend is okay now, but was taken to hospital by her mum. But the attack has affected her massively and she's now scared to go out now. She even asked me to go to the shop with her. She is missing college until the new year."
Lindsay, who lives in Walsall, also claimed that she was threatened with being arrested shortly after arriving at the scene. She added: "I started shouting and panicking because I thought they might have had a knife.

"It was really horrible. The officers told me to back off or they were going to arrest me. I backed off a bit and they said if I tried to find the men myself then they would arrest me."
A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "We are investigating reports two teenage girls were victims of a robbery and assault on Staveley Road in Wolverhampton at around 10pm on Tuesday (Dec 13).
"The victims were approached by two men who stole bank cards before one of the victims was punched and kicked in the face. Anyone with any information can contact us via Live Chat on our website or by ringing 101 quoting crime investigation number 20/970955/22."