A mum says that felt forced to pull her son from college just a few days after term started when another student allegedly threatened to stab him during a class row. Jayden Bryan, 14, was in an IT lesson at South and City College in Birmingham when a fellow pupil reportedly warned: "I'm going to stab you up."
Chantelle Stephens called 999 as soon as she heard what happened to her 14-year-old son on one of his first days at the college. He was allegedly told to "watch himself outside" amid threats he would be beaten up and stabbed shortly before 2pm on Friday (September 9).
BirminghamLive reported that the college, which insisted the verbal threat was "not a major incident", said the student involved has been "interviewed and is now being monitored". West Midlands Police enquiries are ongoing. Jayden had only started at the campus, in Longbridge Lane, Bourneville, on Monday last week after moving to the college. His mum, 39, said the argument erupted during an IT class.

Words were exchanged between the pair, Jayden was told to move off his chair and, according to Miss Stephens, the boy then allegedly said: "Watch when you're outside I'm going to beat you up, watch when you're out there, I'm going to stab you up." She said: "I don't think Jayden knew what to say back to that. It scared me and it scared him. My son's life is irreplaceable. I feel like the school aren't taking it as seriously as they should've.
"I said [to the headteacher], 'What if this boy follows through with this threat? You can't say for sure he won't come into school with a knife.' They said they've given him a strike. They get three strikes before they're out of the school. I don't think he should get off scot-free. I don't think anyone should be going around making these threats, especially in the world we live in today. It's scary."
Jayden has been out of school since the incident, the mum added. West Midlands Police said: "We've received a report of a teenager making a threat to stab a second teenager at about 1.55pm on Friday (9 Sept). No weapon was shown, we understand this was a verbal threat, and no-one was assaulted or hurt. Enquiries are continuing."
South and City College said it takes the "safeguarding of all students very seriously" and has "highly trained and skilled staff" working with students to deal with any issues, alongside "trained security staff". A spokesperson for the college, which has campuses across Birmingham, told BirminghamLive: "The incident you are referring to was not a major one as seems to be suggested but was an argument between two students.
It was alleged that during the heat of the argument one of the students threatened the other and said that he would stab him. There was no actual violence or any form of assault and neither student was found to be carrying a weapon."
Despite police confirming enquiries are ongoing, the college added: "The parent of the one student complained to the police who have confirmed the above and are taking no further action. The son of the mother named in your e-mail has not yet returned but the other student involved has been interviewed and is now being monitored.
"Students are not allowed to carry weapons and we do a considerable amount to ensure that they are properly aware of the issues with knife crime and the implications. We have had no incidents of this nature within the College."
Miss Stephens, it added, was contacted "immediately" and invited to discuss the incident and "ensure she was satisfied with our measures and to assure her son will be safe in college". The statement continued: "We are awaiting her response and hope that she will come to discuss it as the education of her son is very important."
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