When it comes to naming babies, some parents like to pick unique titles that won't be on any top 100 list. Because of this, some monikers can be tricky to say and even those with the best intentions can mispronounce these on their first try.
However, there are other more traditional names like Lois that you would expect most people to pick up quite quickly.
But one mum has claimed the "classic" names she has chosen for her two daughters are constantly being butchered by strangers - and is shocked by some of the attempts.
Writing on Mumsnet, the unnamed parent explained that she'd named her children Beatrix and Lois. She said that she believed these were "two classic names with a single settled pronunciation each, with minimal room for misinterpretation" - but soon realised how wrong she was.
The mum further explained that both names are pronounces as 'Bee-uh-trix' and 'Lo-iss', but are often said as 'Beet-rix' and 'Loyce', the Mirror reports.
While she said she tries to be patient with these unknowing strangers, this mum admitted that she has limits "I usually let the first go as I just think 'close enough', but I can't resist correcting 'Loyce''," she continued.

But the most "annoying" mispronunciation to this mum is when her daughter Lois referred to as "Lewis",being mistaken for a boy.
"Beatrix is sometimes also called 'Beatrice', which is an understandable mix-up that we did expect but is annoying when even family do it, and Lois is often misheard as 'Lewis' so that people assume she's a boy," the mum added.
Her post prompted other parents to share the ways their children's names had been mispronounced. One replied: "I have an Emilia. Technically she should be em-ee-lee-ya but people often and usually say Amelia. But they're so closely sounding I really don't care."
Another said: "My daughter has mentioned that she occasionally gets 'Jean' from Leanne. Lee-anne...who would have guessed that one?"
A third added: "I have a Louis - as in French 'Lou ee'. A classic name but in UK he gets called Lou-IS. Drives me mad. Luckily we now live in a French-speaking country so everyone gets it! However, that brings new challenges with daughter's name!"
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