Over the years tattoos fade but many forget they also change with your body and weight loss and gain can totally transform the shape. One woman was left with a tattoo that she said "looked like Frozen's Olaf" after gaining excessive weight only to lose it again.
Morgan Woodruff has since lost a staggering 10st and had 5lbs of skin removed surgically, which included her now misshapen tribute tattoo. Originally the heart and peace sign was meant to be in memory of her late father but had "stretched" due to her weight gain.
The 33-year-old was comfort eating McDonald's and pizza every night with a total of up to 5,000 calories per day pushing her to a massive 21.5st.

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She would struggle to fit into XXXL clothing due until she split from her husband and changed her entire lifestyle.
Sparked by a cruel remark form a then-friend, Morgan lost a massive 10st 2lbs over the course of a year with the tattoo removal just a "lucky bonus".
She said: "I used food to cope with my mental health - I would eat anything sweet and easily accessible.

"I was binge eating up to 5,000 calories a day - processed food, constant snacks and soda. No fresh cooking at all.
"In my 20s, I lost my father, fell out with my childhood friends for good, and got a divorce - and when I turned 30, I realised if nobody would love me, I needed to love myself.
"This time last year I hit my weight loss milestone of just over 10 stone, but I couldn't see what I had achieved until I had skin removal surgery.

"Now I'm just so proud - it took a long time to get there, but I chose myself and realised I can do anything."
The mum from Weston, Wisconsin, US, can now slip into XS clothing at 9st and even shops in the kids section sometimes.
Morgan added: "I loved the memory of the tattoo, but disliked the tattoo itself - it was all misshapen and stretched.
"My daughter would tell me it looked like Olaf's arm, from Frozen.
"I didn't plan for the tattoo to be removed - but it was a lucky bonus."
Morgan was super-fit and did ballet every day but stopped when she moved from her hometown of Minocqua, Wisconsin, to Stevens Point, Wisconsin, US, with her then-boyfriend.
She started a college course but was battling several undiagnosed mental health conditions at the time, culminating in her dropping out, she said.

Over two years the mum gained 10st, she said: "I didn't have any friends, I didn't dance any more, and I didn't have a job or any hobbies.
"I was so overweight that I didn't really do anything of interest at all."
Her favourite meal would be McDonalds if eating out, and an oven pizza if eating at home.
In August 2013, Morgan gave birth to her daughter and married three years later. The "self-destructive" behaviour worsened dramatically after the death of her beloved father, Woody Woodruff, 58, in September 2014.
She said: "I was in total denial, on a downwards spiral.
"He single-handedly raised me, so I felt my life was on pause for another few years after that."
Despite trying "every fad diet" and her weight fluctuating constantly, the mum would always gain it back again.

It was when she hit the age of 30 that something changed - prompting Morgan to vow to change her life. Around the same time, at the start of the pandemic, she also split with her husband and ditched an unsupportive group of friends.
She recalled a low moment during a fall-out when her then-friend told her: "You're so fat, what's wrong with you? You've let yourself go, aren't you embarrassed?"
Morgan said: "I realised I wasn't there for myself. If nobody would love me, I needed to love myself."
Separated, but still living with her husband, she built a small workout area in the basement and began working out three days a week.
She ate healthier and cut out most of her fast food habits, learning to cook meals for herself. At this time she also finally decided to get proper mental health treatment after being officially diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD and borderline personality disorder.
Morgan, mum to Nora, nine, said: "I chose myself, because I had to."

She stuck to her exercise routine and ate 1,700 calories per day. By January 2022, she had lost 10st but said excess skin prevented her from seeing her full transformation.
Two months later, Morgan had skin removal surgery on her stomach - called a 360 panniculectomy - where surgeons cut off 5lbs of skin from her stomach and back.
The blue tattoo she had once loved, that she felt now resembled Olaf, went with it.
She said: "I have a new partner now and have shared custody of my daughter with my ex-husband.
"We were not compatible as spouses, but we're amazing co-parents and good friends.
"My weight loss was for me - I made the conscious decision to do it for myself and continued it for myself and my daughter.
"Some days I struggled, and I still do, but I believe in me.
"I needed to know my daughter wouldn't look at me and think being unhealthy was ok.
"Now I can say that's true - and I teach my healthy habits to my daughter."

Diet before -
Breakfast - Two sausage McGriddles, two hash browns, a sausage burrito, coffee with cream and sugar, and an orange juice. All from McDonalds.
Lunch - Double cheeseburger (sometimes triple), large fries, milkshake, soda. Or if eating at home, pizza, Dairylea Lunchables, fruit roll ups, ice cream.
Dinner - Salad topped by fried chicken, pizza, or multi-course Chinese takeaway.
Snacks - At night, candy, cookies, ice-cream.
Diet after -
Breakfast - Chocolate chip protein waffles with whipped cream. Or oats with protein powder. All low calorie, high protein.
Lunch - Low calorie air fryer pizza or low carb chicken wraps.
Dinner - Easy quick meals, low cost but high nutrition, such as slow cooker meals. Spicy beef pot roast with vegetables, or BBQ chicken sandwiches. Or home made tacos - each taco is less than 50 calories - six is 300cal. Topped with cilantro, lime and onion.
Snacks - Still ice cream but Halo Top ice cream - half a tub is only about 150 calories.