It can be incredibly difficult to hide Christmas presents from y our kids, especially when they are all wrapped and under the tree. The temptation can be almost too much to bear for some little ones.
One mum's "stomach dropped" when she realised her children had already opened up all their presents before she had even woken up.
Sarah Hinchcliffe, now 28, woke up early on December 25 back in 2020 to find that her children Mitzie and Preston, three and four at the time, were already downstairs.
The cheeky toddlers had crept out of their bed and ripped open all their presents while their mum, and sibling Alfie, also three, slept.

Sarah, who woke up at 5am to some noises, said: "It was a nightmare. I hadn't gone to sleep until two. I was fast asleep and didn't hear a thing!"
The stay-at-home mum from New Milton, Hants, can see the funny side now, but at the time she was incredibly shocked when she came downstairs to see Lego sets, Hot Wheels and baby dolls all opened – as well as Alfie's Woody from Toy Story.
Sarah said: "The presents weren't just from me. They were from the whole family, and they ripped open all of them so family members didn't get see them open them."

She added: "Preston had been asking for the Hot Wheels all year. My dad came and built it for him the night before so it was there and ready for him.
"I was so excited to see his face so that was really gutting not to see that. We laugh about it now, but I was so shocked and devastated at the time.
"I was still half asleep so I was just really shocked."
Unsurprisingly, the mum spent the next year making sure her children knew that they should wake her up if it happened again, instead of just going downstairs and helping themselves.
She added: "Thankfully it hasn't happened since. I sleep with one eye open now!"
The mum managed to capture the incident on her camera, because she was holding her phone as she walked downstairs.
Sarah posted the video, which hilariously shows her shock and the kids' delight, on her Facebook page before sharing it on TikTok recently, where it's racked up over 6 million views.
She said: "I was laying in bed and I'd woken up and could see the hall light on so my tummy kind of sank a bit.
"So I knew one of them had been up and could hear talking downstairs.
"I grabbed my phone and knew deep down they'd done something, I just wish I knew how long they were down there for!
"Not only had they opened the wrapping paper but also the boxes were open too so the toys were out!"
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