A mum whose baby bump was so big people thought she was having twins naturally gave birth to a baby larger than a 10-person Christmas turkey - at a whopping 11lbs 9oz.
Jodie Baines, 25, was so large during pregnancy that she could hardly get out of bed. Her bump had grown so big that she looked 20 weeks pregnant at 10 weeks along and people would ask if she was expecting twins.
The mum-of-two naturally gave birth to Aria Taylor at 12.31am on August 6 2022 after a 25 hour labour. She tipped the scales at a massive 11lbs 9oz - bigger than a medium sized turkey which on average weighs 11lbs.
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Aria was so chunky she couldn't fit into newborn baby clothes and went straight into outfits for three to six month olds. Now the little girl, who is four months old, wears six to nine month old clothes and weighs a healthy 15lbs at the last weigh in.
Jodie, a care worker, from Chorley, said: “She did look big and was very heavy when she was born. People said it looked like I was carrying a six month old baby around but she was a newborn.

“We put her on the scales and saw her weight and were like wow. My son Theo was a big baby too at 8lbs 6oz. At 10 weeks I looked about 20 weeks along. But she’s the easiest baby. She’s a dream - it’s not like having a newborn at all.”
Jodie knew she would be expecting a bigger baby with partner, Alex Taylor, 24, a shop assistant, when her bump started showing at just 10 weeks. The pair already have a son together, Theo, now two, who weighed 8lbs 6oz when he was born.
“At 32 weeks they measured my belly and told me I was measuring three weeks ahead,” she said. “But at the scan they said Aria was measuring ok and not big. I looked like I was about to pop. I was in so much pain by 36 weeks and could feel how big she was.
“I could see her moving. I couldn’t get out of bed in the end. Now I look back I don’t know how I managed to carry her or birth her naturally.”
Jodie had to wait until 42 weeks before doctors decided to induce her and she had a 25 hour labour before giving birth to a healthy but chunky Aria at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, Lancashire. Jodie explained: “Her head got stuck but I managed to push her out in 15 minutes.

“I didn’t really realise how big she was until they weighed her. I did realise she was heavy as you’d get a dead arm after five minutes of holding her.”
Jodie had to stay in hospital for a week after the birth due to blood loss during labour. “People thought I was carrying around a six month old,” she said. “But she’s the easiest baby. She sleeps for seven hours. Zero to three month old clothes were too small for her so she went straight into three to six months. Now six to nine month clothes fit her perfect.”
Aria is now settling in well and gets attention when she goes for a stroll with her family. “She gets a hell of a lot of attention because people think she’s pretty,” Jodie said.
“As a baby they’d come up and say ‘she’s chunky isn’t she.’ She’s a dream.”
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