A mother wept as she was reunited with her son who ran away 25 years ago because he was petrified about getting a circumcision.
Agus Ahmadi, now 38, was 12 years old when he was due to undergo the procedure.
On January 25 this year, it had been almost a quarter of a century since he fled his home and mother Amini, now 67, who says she hasn't gone a single day without wondering where her boy was.
The heartbreaking reunion was organised by a YouTube filmmaker called Sinyo.
Her channel focuses on content about helping people with mental health difficulties and homelessness.
Sinyo explained how she met Agus at a traditional market called Kepek in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Agus had lived at the market for 25 years after arriving there as a youngster.
Sinyo explained how the now middle-aged man was raised by the street vendors, who gave him food and even nursed him back to health when he became unwell.

Somehow, his biological family - who live in the neighbouring city of Klaten - stumbled on the video and recognised the lad.
When they met for the first time, Amini burst out in tears and even fainted in disbelief at one point.
Speaking in an interview yesterday, Amini spoke of the day her boy went missing in 1998.
She said: "The story went that he was scared of getting circumcised. So he left with his friend and never came back."

It has now been established that Agus boarded a bus from Klaten to Yogyakarta, which are just 25 miles and around an hour apart, before setting up a home for himself in between the market stalls.
After his disappearance, the family spent time and paid bundles of cash to find the lost youngster, Amini said, adding that his sister even quit school to fund the search.
“At night I would cry by myself, missing my son. I often dreamed that he was in front of me, and then sleeping next to me,” she said.
Amini said that the people who took their boy under their wing are welcome to visit him at the family home in Klaten anytime.