Parents that are huge music fans may have taken their little ones to Glastonbury this weekend and officially earned a badge of honour as the coolest parents, ever.
Glasto, although not often associated with children, does allow kids to attend with a child ticket if they are 12 and under, but of course, they must be accompanied by an adult ticket holder.
But this doesn't stop some parents from panicking about their little ones whilst they're there - and one innovative mum has found a great way to keep her kids safe at their first Glastonbury festival, alongside the festival's safeguarding.

Mum-of-five Donna Reid said the festival has become like a 'family tradition', and she even met her partner Mark there while she partied at the Arcadia stage last year.
And this year, the 37-year-old has taken her twins Leo and Ralphi, six, along, as well as their older brothers Kal-El, eight, and 14-year-old Harvey, so she knew she needed to keep the little ones safe in the crowds.
As BristolLive reports, she decided to kit her youngest three out in high-vis jackets with clever customisation on them, just in case they go wandering.
Donna, from Stockport, said the atmosphere was "magical" at the festival, and her twins and Kal-El, were soon spotted wearing their personalised matching jackets for the occasion.
Their names were proudly printed on the back, and 'My 1st Glastonbury' - or 2nd for Kal-El - and on the front are the names and mobile numbers of Donna and Mark in case any of the children get lost.

Donna said it was for "peace of mind."
Glastonbury Festival has its own system in place to help keep families safe. Its guide says of lost children: "Lost children are cared for in the Kidzfield 9am-7pm, Thursday to Sunday. Any children found in the Green Kids area will be looked after there each day until 5pm, then they will be taken to Lost Kidz.
"After 7pm any children who have not been reunited with their parents, and any who might be lost during the night, will be looked after at Worthy Welfare. There are no creche facilities at the Festival and children with their parents' mobile number written on them or on a wristband will normally be reunited quickly."
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