A mum-of-six has confessed that she does not let Santa Claus take credit for the expensive gifts she buys her children every year as she strives to teach them a more important lesson about gratitude. Cheryl Cooper, 40, has so far spent an eye watering £3,000 on gifts this year which she wraps and puts under the tree weeks ahead of Christmas.
Cheryl says that her own unusual tradition teaches her 'nosey' little ones to leave any wrapped presents under the tree alone but most importantly, it reminds them that their 'mum and dad' worked hard to provide them with the gifts. The mother from Essex does still allow her children to believe in the magic of Father Christmas but simply tells them that he brings the more affordable items for them all.
Cheryl told the Mirror: "I purely put presents under the tree as I have no space to store them and I have nosey little ones who would try to take a peek if not! If presents are wrapped and under the tree, they can't get to them.
"It works for me and also teaches my children that just because there are presents under there, it doesn't mean they're to be opened. They still need to be patient and wait for Christmas Day."
She adds that it's not fair that children are made to believe that they received one thing from Santa but one of their friends at school was gifted something else of a much higher value. Cheryl said: "I have always done this with all my children. I think we as parents need to remember that children are just children.

"They will go to school and talk about what Santa brought them and for one child to say, 'Santa got me an Xbox' and another child got a colouring book and pens doesn't sit right with me. So Santa brings my kids a Christmas Eve box and Christmas Eve presents which are all affordable presents.
"Then big presents are from mum and dad who have worked hard for their gifts and I think that is important for children to remember that mum and dad had to work hard for those big presents." Cheryl said she understands that everyone has a different approach to parenting but she's received a very positive response on social media about her decision.
She shared an image of her Christmas tree decorated in pink and gold with all the gifts wrapped underneath. Cheryl revealed in the post: "At the moment I've spent around £3,000 on gifts for everyone but I've not finished my Christmas shopping.
"It will probably take me around 6 hours to do all the wrapping." One user replied: "Wow, that's a lot of presents!"
Another one said: "Tree looks great. I'd be worried about leaving my presents under the tree."

Somebody else questioned: "Do your children not think Santa brings the presents?" Cheryl responded: "I have never said Santa brings them these presents as I don't think it is right for them to go to school and say 'Santa brought me a bike' yet another child got a colouring book, Santa brings Xmas Eve present which is pjs and Xmas Eve box with small affordable gifts hope this answers your question hun."
Cheryl added: "I've not had bad responses from people on social media but everyone's that bit different and we're all in different situations, some might think there's not a lot and others might think it is. Everyone has had nice things to say about my tree and my reason for being under the tree.
"I'm looking forward to my children coming home and us all being together as we don't all live together. Christmas to me is 'it's who's around your tree on Christmas Day not what's under it'."
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