Welcoming a new baby can be a big change for any family, but having quadruplets is another story altogether. This was the reality for one couple, who had been trying to have a fourth and final child together. However, when Gaby and Patrick Hagler went for their 12-week scan, they were shocked to learn they were expecting more than one.
Gaby, 40, couldn't believe she was naturally expecting quadruplets at a one in a million odds, but the couple were ecstatic to find out their family was growing.
The parents from Katy, Texas, US, already have a two-year-old son together, as well as a child each from a previous relationship. They welcomed their four little ones in July 2022 and have since opened up about life with quads - including the struggles of telling the babies apart.

After finding out the surprising news, Gaby had to have her cervix sewn shut to prevent miscarriage with a surgery called cervical cerclage.
The pair discovered they were expecting all boy quadruplets and Gaby was monitored carefully for the remainder of her pregnancy, due to the high risk.
Gaby gave birth at 34 weeks to Adam, 4 lbs 8oz, Bennett, 4 Lbs 7oz, Coby, 4lbs and Dane, 4lbs 1oz, via a planned c-section on June 22 this year, making them a family of nine.
The Haglers now say they get through a whopping 47 nappies, 32 bottles, a packet and a half of wipes, and three loads of baby laundry every day.
Gaby, a real estate broker, said: "I get the quads confused sometimes because Bennett and Coby look pretty identical - I have to paint one of their toenails so I can tell them apart.
"Bennett has a green toenail and Coby has a white toenail.
"We have colours for Adam and Dane too but as they've got older, they are easier to tell them apart."

She continued: "It was utter shock when we found out it was quadruplets. We’d already bought the big car ready for our family-of-six so we were very shocked when we realised quadruplets would make us a family-of-nine.
"We have a really unique opportunity to raise these four boys at the same time."
Patrick added: "We thought it would be great to have a fourth and final child and we had no idea it was quadruplets until the sonographer just started counting.
“I thought she was counting different angles at first but then it clicked. It was a lot to wrap our heads around.
"With four babies it's been a complete restructuring of everything. We're trying to fit our existing life in with these new babies, but it's been an honour and a joy so far."
A friend of the couple set up a GoFundMe page to help them raise money for a van to fit their newly expanded family.
"We were so grateful to people who donated, and we've now been able to buy the van," Gaby said.
"It has been a big adjustment, we're now using our retirement money.
"It been challenging but it's been so nice to have them all home so we could cuddle with them all.
"We have a new feeding strategy each day to try and work out the best way to do it.
"They're personalities are all coming out now - Adam is the leader, Coby is very cheery, Bennett is very chilled, and Dane is our needy and outspoken one."
The family is all settling in well, and the quadruplets are going from strength to strength.
"It's the most challenging but the most beautiful thing," Gaby added.
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