A group of men gang-raped a Hindu mum-of-five in Pakistan before mutilating her body post-mortem in a horrific new case of sexual violence.
Widow Diya Bheel, 42, a member of Pakistan's Dheel minority, was raped by a gang of men before they chopped off her head and breasts after her death.
Desecrating her corpse further, they then skinned her decapitated head and dumped her remains in a wheat field in Sindh Province.
Using a sharp weapon throughout the attack, which is yet to be recovered, they left her skull and ribs exposed by slicing off chunks.
Local media reported that an investigation has been launched and sniffer dogs have been brought in to scour the area for evidence.

The body has been sent for post-mortem.
Cops have registered the case but don't have any suspects at present.
Diya was a member of the Bheel ethnic group, which is the largest tribal group in India but considered a minority in neighbouring Islamic country Pakistan.
They usually live in rural areas with many working as migrant farmhands for Muslim landowners.
Pakistani journalist Veengas took to Twitter to share news of the horror attack.

“I am devastated by getting details on the case. Three days ago, in Sanghar Diya, Bheel was decapitated by brutal murder after being raped," Veengas wrote.
"The police have not filed FIR, and no person in the Sindh govt or Human Rights orgs bother to speak about it. Hindus never matter to state.”
People in the local area have staged protests demanding the mob be brought to justice.
Pakistani senator Krishna Kumari visited the village in Sinijhoro.
She tweeted: “Daya Bhel 40 years widow brutally murdered and the body was found in very bad condition.
"Her head was separated from the body and the savages had removed flesh of the whole head.
"Visited her village. Police teams from Sinjhoro and Shahpurchakar also reached.”