He lives a pampered life that many could only dream of - and now his mum has hit back at critics of her toddler's pampered lifestyle.
Jareem Akram, one, bathes in milk and honey and soothes himself with a £1,000 gold dummy - just a small part of his extensive collection, which also includes a £750 Versace chain, a £925 diamond-encrusted bracelet.
But now his mum has hit back at critics - and says she's just trying to do the best for her child - like every parent should.
Single mum Kasey Akram, 32, revealed her lavish spending on son Jareem, one, over the weekend, including designer clothing.
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Hundreds of people commented online after the story was released with many slamming Kasey's parenting.
Kasey said: “I’m just one person and people have made a split-second judgement when I’m a good mum just trying to give him a better childhood than I had.
“I'm far from a scrounger and it's my choice, yes I might spoil him but he has good manners and says please and thank you.
“I’m a mother raising a man, not a boy - and a gentleman at that.”
Kasey said previously that she spends up to £1,000 per month on Jareem, buying him designer goods including a solid gold dummy, Versace chains and Gucci trainers.
She funds the purchases through the benefits she receives and with the help of her ex-partner who pays towards some of the high-end goods.
Many reacted to Kasey's story online, with comments including ‘good luck when he is a teenager’ and ‘I want to know what benefits she is on so I can apply for the same ones’.

But Kasey has countered by saying she doesn’t drink, smoke or go out clubbing – and that if people on benefits stopped doing that, they too could afford to treat their children like she treats Jareem.
Despite previously working as a model, she is now looking forward to training to be an end-of-life nurse and is starting a healthcare college course in September.
Kasey said: "I had a baby in the middle of a pandemic where I was locked in a flat and went through scans and labour all by myself, I just want to give him the best and everything I never had.
“I don’t go out, drink, smoke or go drugs, I don’t go clubbing – I wear charity shop clothes and I could spend my money on far worse things.

“Lots of people say they’re struggling but I don’t get it – I've never had a credit card or a loan or been in debt in my life.
“If you have a credit card on benefits you’re instantly going to be in trouble, you have to be smart and savvy.
“I get my outfits from charity shops and Vinted and if you buy food fresh you can cook in batches and save money on non-fresh food.
“Smokers and drinkers and clubbers and partygoers spend loads and I don’t do that – if they wanted to buy designer clothes then they could.
“Before I had Jareem I had lived in a hostel and had to sleep rough – I've had a lot and I’ve had nothing, I just want my son to have everything so I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong.

“I don’t think I’m abusing the benefits system at all as I live alone and I’m a single mum.
“I’m going to college and it’s not that I don’t want to work - it’s that he’s too young for me to work and I can’t legally go back to working without paying for a nanny or day-care.
“All his old toys go to the local doctor's surgery, we donated his old cot to charity and some of his old clothes.
“We always feed the homeless in town and at Christmas we make boxes with jumpers and toothpaste for them, we even give out mince pies and sandwiches.
“When he’s older hopefully he’ll be on his way to university and the minute he becomes disrespectful or demanding that will be corrected straight away.
“I don’t shout, I hold his hands gently and talk to him and I ask him why he’s angry or shouting – but I’ve been shouted at in the street and people have used profanities towards him and are taking the time to insult me and my child even though he’s innocent.
“I’m not committing a crime, I’m not a bad person, I’ve got a really big heart and I love my son so much – what parent wouldn't want the best for their child.”