A pregnant woman has been left baffled by her sister after she demanded that her impending arrival be named after her, and even went so far as to buy monogrammed baby clothes with her own name on them.
Sharing her story on Reddit, the mum-to-be said she doesn't get along with her sister particularly well as she always felt as though her parents favoured her sibling over her.
But since falling pregnant with a baby girl, the woman's sister has become "obsessed with the idea of becoming an aunt" and has been smothering the future mum with instructions on how to decorate her baby's nursery, as well as a list of potential baby names - with her name, Jenn, at the top of the list.
Then, Jenn went so far as to buy the impending arrival a little onesie with "Mini Jenn" embroidered on the front, despite never confirming the little one's name with her sister.

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In her post, the woman said: "My sister and I never gotten along. All throughout my life, I have been forgotten about. My parents have forgotten to come to my school plays or my basketball games, have forgotten to pick me up from them, and have not gotten me gifts for my birthday but gotten Jenn stuff.
"All of that I could live with because they are my parents' wrongdoings - but my sister enjoys it. She uses my parents' favouritism against me, and once cut a big chunk of my hair because a guy she liked asked me out (which I declined). When I told my parents about it, all she had to do was cry and they started feeling bad for her and forgot that she ever cut my hair.
"On another occasion, I worked my butt off to convince my parents to allow me to have a pet dog when I was 14. I got a lapdog and paid for him all by myself. My sister fell in love with him and convinced my parents to give him to her.
"Now I'm pregnant and am expected to have a baby girl. My sister has become obsessed with the idea of becoming an aunt and has started to buy things for my daughter. [She also] text me with instructions on how I should decorate her nursery, made a name list for her (which her top name ended being her very own), and she even brought a little onesie that says 'mini Jenn' and told me that's what I'm gonna be naming my daughter."
The mum-to-be then told her sister that she won't be naming her daughter after her, but her parents have branded her "selfish" for not allowing her sibling to have her own way.
She added: "Of course, I told her there's no way I'm naming my daughter after her, and told her that if it wasn't the case of her being my sister, I'd would have already cut contact with her.
"I ended up getting a call from my parents with them commenting on how selfish I am and that I know that my sister will most likely never be able to have children of her own. [They also said] that I should just give her this one, and that I hurt her feelings."
Commenters on the Reddit post were firmly on the woman's side, with many of them suggesting it might be in her best interest to cut her sister out of her life - and her parents too.
One said: "You might want to consider going low-contact or no-contact with your parents and sister."
While another added: "Stop entertaining your family's nonsense. They can back off or they can stay away completely."
And a third wrote: "How do your parents think this is remotely acceptable? This isn’t your hamster’s name, it’s your KID’s NAME. The name that will go with them their entire life. Even if Jenn s**t rainbows and butterflies her entire life, you still wouldn’t be obligated to name your kid after her."
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