As a parent, when your child does something artistic you might hang it up in the house or stick it to the fridge so the little one can be proud of what they have achieved. But there might be occasions when your child tries their very best with a drawing or painting, but you can just see something completely different to what they were imagining.
This was the case for one mum whose little boy showed her the drawing he had done of a household item for homework which looked rather phallic, leaving her fighting back the laughter as he showed it to her.

Kelly Sullivan, mum of Arlo, from Felixstowe, claimed she had a little giggle as she saw the drawing but could not laugh as that would make him upset.
For his homework, Arlo, five, had been given the task of drawing household items and he decided to draw himself a whisk.
But when he showed his mum she could not help but think it looked like male genitalia.

Kelly said: "Arlo is usually very artistic. When he showed me I had a little giggle but had to keep it silent as I didn't want to affect his confidence.
"When I've shown people it's given them a good laugh. It really does look like a willy."
She went onto say that she thinks his teachers might have a good laugh when they mark the piece of homework and says she will be hanging onto this drawing.
She added: "This bit of homework is being kept for years to come. I'm even thinking about framing it when it turns 18."
The bar and restaurant manager shared the drawing on social media – with other parents in hysterics over the funny sketch.
Ben Goss said: "What a 'whisky’ drawing, sorry I mean risky."
While Carol Johnson joked: "If a two minute wonder was a kitchen utensil."
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