With summer well and truly here, more than a few of us will have had to tackle unsightly sunscreen stains recently.
No matter how carefully you spray or apply the cream, it's easy to spill, and if you've got children who struggle to sit still, it's near impossible to use without a few accidents.
But it is vital to keep your sunscreen and SPF topped up, even though it can be difficult to clear up. So it is well worth learning how to remove sunscreen stains from clothing - and how not to.
Keen to help, one mum has urged fellow parents to avoid the bargain tip she tried after the trick went horribly wrong.

As the mum explained in a post on Facebook, she tried to remove stains from her white clothing with bleach, but it turned the garments a different colour.
''If you think soaking whites in bleach to remove sun cream stains - DONT DO IT! IT TURNS THEM PINK!!'' she wrote, explaining that she'd mixed water and bleach before leaving her stained items to soak.
Her warning, shared to Family Lowdown Tips & Ideas, received hundreds of likes and comments, as The Sun reports. Fortunately, several responders shared tips for the mum, suggesting how best to fix her stained clothes and offering different solutions to try next time.
''Use Milton and the pink will come out. I made the same mistake this week but Milton got them back white," one person advised.
Another parent wrote: 'I done this with my little boys white vests and T-shirts hung them out on the washing line n they went back to white again [sic].''
Meanwhile, several commenters revealed they'd reversed similar mistakes by leaving the discoloured clothes on the washing line on a sunny day. One went so far as to say she'd been "amazed" by the results after trying the solution.
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