From traditional portraits to whole class photography, it's a rite of passage to get your school picture taken every year as a young child. Many parents will keep and frame them, send them to beloved grandparents or store them in memory boxes to look back on one day.
A mum has shared her son's first ever school photo and explained why she gets it back out every year - because it's just too funny to keep to herself. Lucy Langthorne, 39, was left in stitches receiving three-year-old Zachary's school picture, after he refused to be snapped on the day and sent a humorous replacement instead.

The youngster decided he didn't want to pose for his annual picture back in 2017, and requested that his toy dog be photographed in his place.
Lucy, from Todmorden, West Yorkshire, was expecting a sweet picture of son Zachary, but received a professional shot of his soft teddy named Jimmy instead.
The mum-of-three said she found it "adorable" and now brings the photo into school every year.
She couldn't resist posting it online this term, and garnered thousands of likes and comments from amused parents.
Lucy said: "You're not normally allowed toys at school, but Zach had quite a lot of separation anxiety when he first went to school aged three.
"He was allowed to carry it around with him in lessons and in the school day to make him feel more comfortable.
"When it came to school photo day in 2017 I did say to the teachers, I wasn't sure if he would be okay with the photos being taken.

"When I went to pick him up from school later that day though the teachers said that he had refused to be pictured.
"Then when the photos were sent to everyone, I got one that was just a photo of Jimmy - which I obviously bought and kept.
"So now the only photo I have of my eldest in his first year at nursery is this hilarious photo of Jimmy."
Zachary still has his cuddly companion Jimmy, which makes the memory even more touching.
"Every year when it comes up it tickles me, I had to buy the photo when I saw it - especially as he's still got Jimmy now," Lucy added.
"My youngest is having his first ever school photos this week too and I brought in the pictures - the teachers found them very funny, we all had a good laugh.
"It's just an adorable little story really."
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