When it comes to raising children, there are lots of personal choices each parent must make for themselves. From the name you pick, to whether or not mum plans to breastfeed, it is for every family to decide what works best for them.
So, it is easy to understand one mum's shock after she discovered a friend breastfed her child without permission. In a heart-wrenching video posted to TikTok, the mum was visibly and audibly upset as she shared her story.
Afiqah Hasanah,who posts under the TikTok handle @afieqahhasanah's, caught the attention of over two million people, with hundreds of commenters from concerned parents who were quick to offer words of comfort.
In the clip, the Malaysian mum explained her friend was helping her with childcare at the time, according to Asia One's translation.
"At the time, I was busy carrying things, and when I arrived, she asked me for Haider, so I just gave him because she was someone close to me. I didn't expect that she could do such a thing," she recalled.

Unfortunately, Afiqah did not expect what happened next. "But suddenly while I was carrying those things, I saw that she was, like, doing something at the back in an open hall. Turns out, she was breastfeeding Haider."
When the mum discovered what had happened, her friend reportedly tried to defend her actions, and she said the infant was crying.
However, the parent, who says she'd recently breastfed the babe herself, did not accept the reasoning.
"I'll be haunted by this incident," she revealed. But, sadly, the story did not stop there. The parent said her friend was caught breastfeeding her child again, and she was this time discovered by the baby's grandmother.
Explaining her concern, the mum told viewers: "Now, I'm having a tough time shaking it off my mind.
"It's difficult for me to trust other people now. I'm very disheartened. I take good care of my children, ensuring that nobody randomly kisses or hugs them because I'm afraid of them getting infected by diseases."
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