No doubt many mums find everything a bit easier with their second child. They know what to expect.
When Loren Cash went into labour with her second, the pain was less intense than it was with her first child, Nova, so she thought there was plenty of time to get to hospital. With the time being 1.30am, she made the decision to stay at home for as long as possible.
But baby Luna Rae had other plans. Loren's contractions started getting closer together quickly and she had the urge to push. All of a sudden, it was time to rush to the hospital. She got her partner, Andy Patrick, and Nova out of bed.
Speaking about those moment on June 6, Loren told WalesOnline : "With my first daughter, Nova, the pain had been unbearable and when I went to the hospital they sent me home because I was only 2cm dilated, so I thought it would be the same again and it was not as painful - I thought I had lots of time.
"But when I had the urge to push just before 5am I phoned the hospital and when I explained what was happening to the midwife they said I needed to get to them as quickly as possible. There wasn't even any time to dress Nova, so we had to put her in the car in her pyjamas and the midwives stayed on the phone."
They set off on the nine-mile trip from their home in Maesteg to the the Princess of Wales hospital in Bridgend. The journey normally takes around 20 minutes, but Loren couldn't wait any longer.
She said: "We were on the dual carriageway, so Andy couldn't stop, and I was having the contractions really close together and then I saw the baby's head and I sort of leaned on [Andy] and she just landed on the passenger seat chair."

A shocked Loren wasn't sure what to do, but they managed to make it to Sarn train station car park, where they stopped. Andy ran around and picked up his daughter and made sure she was breathing before wrapping her in a towel that had been packed in the hospital bag.

"Thankfully my daughter was breathing and he put her in my lap and got to the hospital where a team of midwives were waiting at the doors to A&E," said Lauren. "They cut the cord and got me upstairs to deliver the placenta. It just all seemed to happen very fast.
"It was all a bit of a haze. Luna Rae was not small either. She was 9lbs 9.5oz and all I had was adrenalin. There was an early-morning jogger in the car park at Sarn so they must have been wondering what on earth was going on.
"My poor partner was traumatised and Nova had no idea what was going on but everyone is well and that is the most important thing. They kept Luna in for six days just to make sure there were no infections and now she is safely back home with us. It was certainly an experience neither of us will ever forget."