A mum has faced a backlash from her in-laws after telling her five-year-old daughter where babies come from while shopping for baby shower. The 30-year-old mother took to Reddit to explain that her husband's sister's baby shower was coming up - and was asked the question while shopping for a present with her young daughter.
In a bid to be honest with her daughter, she explained: "When a mommy and daddy are ready to have a baby the baby grows inside the mommy's belly and then the baby comes out of the mommy’s belly like an operation or comes out of the mommy's private parts." The mum claimed this was an appropriate answer for a five-year-old girl and was still accurate enough without all the details.

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Both mum and daughter continued to chat after this for a few minutes about different types of relationships and the different ways people can have children.
"We talked about other ways people had a family like adoption and sometimes people need help from doctors to get pregnant. How some kids have two moms or two dads and how some kids have one mom and one dad or stepparents. She was very interested," she continued.
However, the issues arose at the baby shower when the grandmother was telling the children how babies are a gift from God and how the parents get the baby as a present.
"My daughter took this opportunity to tell her grandmother she’s wrong and where babies come from in front of her cousins and different ways to make a family," stated the mum.
This did not go down well with much of the family with some even now not speaking to the mum because of what happened.

"My mother in law wasn’t happy with me and neither were several aunts and uncles. They said it was inappropriate and how her cousins didn’t need to hear that," she explained.
"They started telling me I’m a bad mother for telling her too much and taking away her innocence. I said back that maybe if they didn’t lie to their kids it wouldn’t be such a big deal."
However, her and her husband do not see a problem with what they have done and have continued to face backlash from the grandmother, who has stated she does not believe in the other ways to make a family so does not want these things told to her grand-daughter.
In response, the husband has threatened to stop the grandmother seeing the daughter if she does not have accepting views and during a FaceTime conversation after the shower said she should accept all walks of life.
While this conversation was happening, the daughter came out with a Bible to be read to her before bedtime by her grandma over FaceTime.
"Grandma was thrilled. Dad and grandma read a Bible story with her. At the end of the story it says how God wants us to love everybody. My daughter looks into the video call and says “grandma you should really listen to God," the mum explained.
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