A mum bit off a woman's nose before spitting it out on the floor in a 'savage and appalling' attack.
Claire Bold carried out the brutal assault after the pair became embroiled in an argument on April 24 last year. Both caused minor injuries to each other during the brawl, but furious Bold believed that the woman had taken her credit card and pursued her to a friend's house.
The two woman started fighting again, at which point the 38-year-old sunk her teeth into her victim's nose. Bold then ripped off the end of the woman's nose before spitting it out onto the ground. The victim was left in 'excruciating' pain and bleeding heavily from the wound, Manchester Evening News reports.
The victim has since had to undergo various surgeries including a skin graft and has been left permanently disfigured. Manchester Crown Court heard that she now can't leave her house without being stared at and has been subjected to vile harassment, being called 'piggy'.
Weeks after the attack, Bold left another woman permanently scarred after striking her in the face with a handheld mirror. Bold stormed out of court as the judge shared the details of her shocking crimes.

Judge Timothy Smith described the attack as an 'act of animal savagery', adding: "In the course of a fight you bit off the end of her nose, in a display of appalling, vicious, deliberate and calculated violence."
Bold was handed a 10 year sentence in her absence, including six years in prison and an extra four years on licence following her release.
Julian Goode, prosecuting, told the court that Bold and her victim had known each other for about two years. He said the pair had been friends in the past and had smoked crack cocaine together.
However, they started brawling with each other on April 24 last year. The victim left the property in Eccles and went to a friend's house, but Bold followed her and the fighting resumed.
He said: "The incident culminated in the defendant biting off the end of her nose, spitting it out on the floor before making off." Police arrested Bold at her home later that day after she attempted to 'cover her tracks' by taking a shower and washing her clothes.
The victim described the 'unbelievable' pain she suffered as being like 'something she had never experienced before'. She has since undergone operations including a skin graft, but fears it could take 'years for her nose to look normal again'.
She said the disfigurement has 'shattered' her confidence and she has been subjected to cruel abuse with people calling her 'piggy'. The woman added that people constantly stare at her in the street and that she has experienced suicidal thoughts.
Bold was released on bail following the assault, but went on to commit another horrific attack against a second woman. She had been given accommodation in Bredbury, Stockport with another woman and the pair seemed to be 'getting on well'.
On August 19 last year, the woman bought vodka and cider and the pair struck up a conversation. However, Bold suddenly turned aggressive, and told the woman: "Don't think you're better than me, because you're not better than me."
During the confrontation, the woman was holding a handheld mirror and warned her 'leave me alone or I'll hit you'. But Bold snatched the mirror and repeatedly hit her with it, smashing the glass and causing injuries to her face.
There was 'blood everywhere', with Bold then telling the woman she was going to bed and left. The victim ran out into the street to get help and police arrived at the scene.
Bold was taken to hospital after concerns were raised over her health. There she attacked two police officers, swinging her head at one and hitting her lip, and kicking another to the chest.
Talking about her victim, Bold said: "She deserved everything she got." The woman was told that she was lucky not to have lost an eye by a doctor and says the permanent scarring to her face is "a permanent reminder of what I went through that day".
Defending, Rebecca Filletti said Bold regrets her actions and is sorry for what happened. She added that mum-of-three may have suffered from undiagnosed post natal depression following the birth of her youngest child, and she was suffering a 'mental health crisis' at the time.
Ms Filletti said Bold has since made a 'substantial shift' in her life and has made positive changes while on remand in prison. Judge Smith deemed Bold as a 'dangerous' offender, that she poses a significant risk to the public of committing further specified offences.
She will serve two-thirds of her six year jail sentence in prison, before the Parole Board decides whether she should be granted release. Bold, of Bridgewater Street, Eccles, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent, unlawful wounding and two counts of assaulting an emergency worker.
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