A mum revealed she was “upset and disappointed” when she found out she was having twin boys after having her heart set on one of each.
Ashley Cesare, 21, had always dreamed of having a little girl and was hoping for "one of each" when she found out she was expecting twins in August 2021.
The stay-at-home mum couldn’t hide her disappointment when only blue confetti fell on her and her fiancé, Heath Boyle, 27, who works in construction, during their gender reveal.
Ashley was "scared" about raising boys but quickly got over her fear and now admits she couldn’t imagine her 10-month-old twins, Carter and Jaxon, as girls.
The mother, from Schenectady, New York, US, said: “In the moment I was anxious, and the suspense was killing me.”
She continued: “In my gut I knew it was twin boys, so I was trying to prepare myself and willing myself not to cry. When the confetti fell, I stamped my foot in disappointment.
“But the feeling only lasted for five or 10 minutes. I thought: ‘It’s really two boys, here we go.’ I used to feel guilty because I didn’t want my boys to feel unwanted. But now I realise that wasn’t what that moment was. It was my natural emotions.”
She said she now couldn’t imagine a life without her twin boys.
“I love my boys more than anything and me wanting a girl isn’t wrong,” she said.
When Ashley found out she was pregnant with twins in August 2021, she had set her hopes on one or both being a girl. However, the couple found out they were having twin boys at their gender reveal in October 2021.
.Ashley said: “Heath didn’t care either way. But it was really scary for me. I have all girls on my side of the family. I didn’t think I would be good at raising boys. But after five minutes or so I snapped out of it, and I was excited. I was just happy to be a mum.”

Ashley fell in love with her boys when they were born at St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, New York, on 25 March 2022 - Jaxon weighing 4lbs 11oz and Carter 4lbs 8oz.
She said: “It felt like they were meant to be mine. They are both very attached to me. They said ‘mumma’ first.
“Jaxon is clingy, and Carter is more independent but still has his moments when all he wants is me.”
Ashley and Heath want to complete their family with a third child – who they hope will be a girl.
“If we have another boy, I might be disappointed,” she said. “But I’ll still be happy, and we’ll still stop at three.”
Ashley was worried about feeling “judged” for her emotions surrounding her gender disappointment - but plans to show them the video of her reaction when they are old enough.
Ashley said: “They’ll see that I was disappointed but know I love them more than anything. I’m assuming they’ll laugh about it.
“I want them to understand feelings are normal.”