Practically nobody saw MultiVersus coming. Sure, there was always potential in the idea of Harley Quinn grappling with Bugs Bunny, but I dare you to find somebody that was certain it would be a smash-hit even before release.
According to Tracker.gg, a tool that accumulates statistical data on video games, MultiVersus allegedly has over 10 million registered accounts across all platforms (Thanks, PC Gamer). That staggering number comes only three weeks after the game began its open beta period and will undoubtedly shoot up once the final release is out. Most people in the fighting game community would have laughed at anyone floating numbers like this pre-release, it’s wild.
It’s hard to say when the 1.0 version of MultiVersus will release. Last week, Warner Bros. delayed Season 1, with no hints of when it’ll actually drop. The same goes for the arrival of Morty, who will be the 18th playable character. Director Tony Huynh recently made some passing comments about that situation.
“Finished another tuning pass on Morty,” Huynh said on Twitter. “He has some really cool setups. Can’t wait to see what players do with his kit.”
Thus far, MultiVersus has a reasonably eclectic roster. That’s putting it lightly too. Again, you can literally pit Lebron James against Velma from Scooby Doo in this game. So its success is well earned.
Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.