Multiple sclerosis, known as MS, is a lifelong condition that impacts both the brain and the nerves.
A person suffers when their immune system attacks the myelin - the protective sheath in the body - the covers nerve fibres. This then results in a disruption to the communication between the brain and all other parts of the body.
The nerve fibres affected may then become more vulnerable to damage, and may be completely lost as time goes on. When this occurs, messages can no longer travel and symptoms of MS become permanent. This gradual advancement of issues is known as MS progression, as the disability steadily becomes worse over time.
According to the NHS, MS can result in a wide range of symptoms from problems with vision, a struggle with arm or leg movement as well as trouble with balance, reports the Mirror.
How does the multiple sclerosis start?
Most MS diagnosis across the UK come when people are in their 30s, 40s or 50s. However, a number of red flag symptoms may appear years before an official diagnosis.
The condition is, unfortunately, one of the most widespread causes of disability in younger adults. In many cases, the symptoms can be treated but the condition can slightly reduce a person's life expectancy.
There is no known reason why people suffer with MS, with no typical patter of warning signs, according to the MS Society. The condition can appear differently from person to person, with reach person experiencing a range of ref flags across a range of ages both after and before being diagnosed.
Vision Problems

A common warning sign of MS is problem with vision - known as optic neuritis.
This is when the optic nerve becomes inflamed and then damaged, with many experiencing pain with sudden eye movement as well as temporary loss of vision in one eye.
This sign is considered a more 'concrete symptom' of MS, with other often differing more from case to case.
People with MS may become overwhelmingly tried with no obvious cause.
The MS Society says warning signs to watch for include:
- Feeling extremely tired after very little activity
- Waking up feeling as tired as you did when you went to sleep.
- Your limbs feeling heavy, and it becoming harder to grasp things or to write
- Other symptoms, such as difficulty with balance, vision or concentration, which might temporarily get worse.
Numbness and tingling
Abnormal sensations may be a warning sign of MS, according to the NHS.
This symptoms can often result in various parts of the body tingling such as arms or legs as a person moves around due to damage to nerves.
The feeling is typically spread out over a few days, with the discomfort described as both unpleasant and unusual.
Loss of balance and dizziness
Dizziness is another common symptoms of MS. Many become lightheaded or begin to feel 'off balance'.
Far less often experienced is vertigo, which is the sensation that a person - or their surroundings - are spinning.
Stiffness or spasms

Stiffness of spasms in the muscles may also occur.
This symptom is often described as 'spasticity', impacting between 40 and 80 per cent of people with MS at some point.
The stiffness and spasms usually come and go.
This neurological symptom causes involuntary shaking of the body or parts of the body.
This sign is often noticed in the hands, says the National Institutes of Health
The shaking may be mild but can also be more pronounced, making it difficult to do things like pour a drink or write.
MS can also cause painful symptoms due to nerve damage.
The pain can present in different way - including a burning, stabbing, sharp of squeezing feeling, the MS Society states.
The pain can also be both acute - come on rapidly for a short duration be neuropathic pain and/or chronic neuropathic pain.
Acute neuropathic pain is occasionally an initial symptom of MS, or could be part of an MS relapse.
Bladder problems
Badder issues may come with MS, including trouble storing in the bladder and emptying it.
When the nerves are damaged and the pathway in the spine is interrupted, even a small amount of urine can cause the bladder to contract.
This then causes a need to pee frequently – known as frequency
It can also be difficult for an MS sufferer to 'hold on', making incontinence a potential issue.
Bowel trouble
As well as bladder trouble causing toilet issues, bowel trouble may also be experienced.
Some with MS - around 7 in 1 - will experience bowel issues at some bowel issues in the form of either constipation or incontinence (leakage).
Memory and thinking
Memory issue and trouble thinking can also come with MS.
These cognitive problems may impact those with MS, but most people will be affected mildly by finding it difficult to find the right words, concentrate or recall things quickly.
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