Mukesh Khanna, better known as Shaktimaan, has lashed out at Ekta Kapoor for ‘murdering Mahabharata’ in the show Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki, which she produced in 2008. The actor had played Bhishma in the BR Chopra’s Mahabharat that went on air in 1988 and has returned for rerun during lockdown.
Like Mahabharat, Shaktimaan is also set to return for a rerun on TV. Mukesh is willing to make Shaktimaan for the younger generation but said that he won’t go Ekta’s way to bring back the show and is still looking for the perfect cast.
Slamming Ekta’s Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki, he told Mumbai Mirror in an interview, “The new version of Shaktimaan cannot be the way Ekta Kapoor made Mahabharata (in 2008) by putting a tattoo on Draupadi’s shoulder. She had said that she was making Mahabharata for modern people. ‘Sanskriti kabhi modern nahi ho sakti, putri. Jis din Sanskriti ko modern karoge, khatam ho jayegi’ (Culture can never be modern, The day you try to make culture modern, the culture will be over).”
He further said, “If the serial name would be ‘Kyunki Greek Bhi Kabhi Hindustani the, then I would accept Ekta’s Mahabharat. Who has given them the right to slaughter an epic? They have changed the actual version of Devarath’s ‘Bhishma Pratigya’ to something else and created a vamp-like image for Satyavati, among other things in the show. They tried to be smarter than Vyas muni (Ved Vyasa, who wrote Mahabharata) to which I have an objection. I want to point out that Ramayana and Mahabharata are not mythologies, they are our histories.”
Mukesh recently made headlines for his jibe at Sonakshi Sinha, who failed to answer a question related to Ramayan on quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati. He had told The Times of India in an interview, “I think the reruns will be useful to many who haven’t watched the show earlier. It will also help people like Sonakshi Sinha who have no knowledge about our mythological sagas. People like her don’t know who did lord Hunuman get Sanjivani for.”
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