Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Tuesday told the media that slain journalist Mukesh Chandrakar’s family will be provided Rs 10 lakh as aid and a ‘Patrakar Bhavan’ will be set up in his name.
The announcement comes amid a police complaint by the journalist’s family about an urn containing his ashes being allegedly tampered with in Bijapur district. It also comes amid relentless protests by several journalist groups seeking strict action in the murder case and Congress leader and former chief minister Bhupesh Baghel asking the chief minister for justice and financial assistance for the journalist’s family.
Chandrakar was found dead in a contractor’s home on January 3, two days after he was reported missing by his brother. According to a post mortem report, Chandrakar was attacked with a heavy object and suffered severe injuries to his head, chest, back, and stomach. His body was identified through a tattoo on his hand.
Police claim that Chandrakar was killed over a news report on the alleged corruption in some road construction projects undertaken by the contractor named Suresh Chandrakar, who is in custody. An 11-member Special Investigation Team has been probing the case.
Chandrakar ran a YouTube channel called Bastar Junction and had previously worked on reports for several media houses.
Read this first person account to understand how Chandrakar’s life symbolised the Bastar media story.
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