Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lashed out at Senate Republicans after Herschel Walker lost his U.S. Senate race in Georgia.
In an interview on Wednesday, conservative podcast host Steve Bannon told Greene that Walker's loss was a "disaster in Georgia."
"This is for Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and the rest of the Republican senators; you guys are the reasons why we are losing Republican races all over the country," Greene opined. "And this is your third loss in my home state. So, let me inform you on behalf of Georgia, this is your third strike and you're out!"
Greene complained that the Walker campaign rarely asked her to speak at events.
"I was never asked very often by the Herschel Walker campaign to come speak at any of his campaign events," she said. "They only asked me to maybe two I think. Two or three in my own district when he was campaigning all over the state, running for Senate. But they only asked me a couple of times in my own district, which I find extremely insulting."
She added: "The audacity and really frank rudeness of the campaign consultants and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham where they thought, you know, we're going to keep Marjorie Taylor Greene away from Herschel Walker and we don't need her voice at his campaign rallies and events where we're campaigning all over the state, I think is really a major mistake and an insult to me and insult to people who support me and Republicans all over Georgia."