On Wednesday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg launched his own Twitter alternative, "Threads" — an off-shoot of the Instagram platform — and so far, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. isn't a fan. In response to a tweet from Trump supporter @alx, in which he shares a screengrab of a prompt from Threads to verify if his attempt to follow Trump Jr. on the platform is valid, since his account has been known to spread false information, Greene hits the proverbial panic button. "Now I'm definitely sure Threads will be the same Marxist style social media experience that Zuckerberg usually offers," she tweeted on Thursday. "All social experimentation serving Big Pharma, the Intelligence Community, and DEI Initiatives to strengthen corporate stocks supporting garbage DEI issues and steal elections. No thank you!"
Jumping in the same boat, Greg Price, Comms Director for State Freedom Caucus Network, tweeted his own suspicions towards the new platform saying, "Remember when we learned that Instagram connected a vast network of child predators? That was literally less than two weeks ago. Instagram helped pedophiles find child porn and nothing happened to him. Instead, Zuckerberg is now launching new apps with the goal of using the data from Instagram to compete with Twitter."
"Congress needs to talk with Zuckerberg on many issues," said Greene. "We are back in session next week and I look forward to bringing these issues up. Could be several committees." According to CNBC, "Meta said that Threads is the company's first app 'envisioned to be compatible with an open social networking protocol,' which it believes could usher 'in a new era of diverse and interconnected networks.'"