It can seem like an impossible task to keep the shower cubicle looking spick and span - even after a week of usage it goes back to looking like it's not been cleaned in about a year. It can get really frustrating and disheartening, but Mrs Hinch fans have come to the rescue with a product recommendation that will make your shower glass look as good as new, with no effort.
One woman took to the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips Facebook page to explain that she was sick of using "gumption", only for the "next day to be back to stains."

She wrote: "Can you share your Shower glass watermark removal - products and methods please? I'm honestly so sick of putting in so much time and effort using gumption to clean the windows, for the next day be back to stains."
She also asked for before and after pictures to "keep her motivated", and to show that shiny glass in the shower can be achieved.
Many people recommended a product that can be purchased for just £2.50 in Wilko, and Viakal is described as having "anti droplet technology" meaning "watermarks will be prevented from reappearing, giving you the convenience of a long-lasting shine."
The spray is said to "quickly eliminate limescale and hard water marks, together with the dirt and bacteria trapped inside of them." And it's also "chlorine, ammonia, bleach-free".
One person wrote: "Viakal, after every shower use a squeegee and use daily shower cleaner."
"Viakal and squeegee after every shower!", someone similarly suggested.
Another said: "Viakal with a gentle scourer."
Many people also said that simply using a squeegee after every shower, and then wiping it down with a microfibre cloth worked wonders - and then clean the shower glass once a week.
And if you wanted an alternative to using strong chemicals, one cleaning guru suggested: "Washing up liquid mixed in equal parts with distilled white vinegar.
"Rub it on really thickly with a sponge so it's all covered. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then shower off giving it a rub as you go. Wipe down with a microfibre cloth. Works like a charm and has no nasty chemicals/strong smells."
Have you got any shower cleaning tips? Let us know in the comments.