As the cost of living crisis rumbles on, many people are looking at ways they can save a bit of money at home - especially with soaring energy bills.
Some householders are doing their best to avoid using energy-intensive appliances as much as they usually would but many are finding they still have to use them regularly. This is especially true with tumble dryers as the ever-unreliable British weather means a lot of people are unable to dry their clothes outside.
However, there are some things people can do to keep costs down like getting a clothes airer - although laundry can take a while to dry and you can end up with a house that smells of damp. But one Mrs Hinch fan has found a solution - and it actually lies in your washing machine, not your tumble dryer, the Mirror reports.
Read more: Mrs Hinch fans gush over 'game changer' product for tackling condensation - that costs just £1.49
In the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips group on Facebook, one woman asked what the "trick" was for using a clothes airer after she claimed it took ages for her washing to dry, and people rushed to her aid to let her in on the secret - putting your washing machine on an extra spin to get rid of as much excess water as possible.
The woman had written: "I've bought a clothes airer. What's the trick to using them? Took ages to dry yesterday and yes I do have a cover. Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you."
And one person commented: "Extra spin everything, it's amazing how much more water comes out, really noticeable on things like jeans and hoodies. I've got a high line so even a little time outside in the wind is amazing, so much quicker to dry than a whirly line.
"Also, my husband fitted a small radiator in my airing cupboard so I hand stuff on hangers from the slats. Put light things on coat hangers and hang them on door frames overnight, they'll be dry in the morning.”
While another said: "Put clothes on an extra high spin in the washing machine to remove as much water as possible." A third added: "After the set spin, I do them again on 1,400 spin speed. Underwear and socks go on top of the cover."
Other tips people had included using two bars of the airer per item of clothing, as while this will mean fitting less on the airer at once, it will spread your clothes out so that more air can get to them.
Someone suggested: "I've used airers for years. I hang two clothes across two bars rather than one. Put them on the airer in the evening in a room with the window open slightly. I then turn all the clothes over in the morning and by the time my next wash is ready to hang out that evening, these clothes are dry."
As someone else wrote: "For those of us not able to have the heating on, I myself do one wash a day and have a dehumidifier on in the smallest room for four to six hours."
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