Production companies have been selling off sets from popular television series, making it possible for fans to own items featured in shows such as The Crown, Succession and Sex and the City. With this in mind we asked readers which TV props they have always coveted.
‘Worzel Gummidge’s hat’
I’d like the hat worn by Mackenzie Crook as the 2019 Worzel Gummidge. The new series were brilliantly done; a modern take on a classic. It brought back memories of simpler times when a slice of cake was of more use than a telephone. Worzel was an eccentric character who always did what he thought was right, despite getting into trouble for it – much like the climate campaigners of present day. Worzel’s hat would be great on the allotment or even out for a walk, rain or shine. Stephen Kent, 71, Leicestershire
‘The “1 cent Pickles” crock pot from Monica’s apartment in Friends’
I always wished I had the “homemade 1 cent pickles” crock pot from Monica’s apartment in Friends. When I first became disabled and could no longer teach I was terrified about my future. I fell into a deep depression and spent most of my time home alone without internet or cable, so my Friends DVDs provided me with safe company. Friends was a global phenomenon and watching it was as close to a shared experience with humanity as I could get. Although I don’t watch it much now, that show got me through my nadir. Also, I’ve always loved pickles. Now that I am disabled, I am exploring countertop gardening in the form of things like brewing vinegar, kimchi and, of course, pickles. Noelani Clough, early 50s,Albuquerque, US
‘A self-loading champagne fridge from Absolutely Fabulous’
The self loading champagne fridge in Edina’s kitchen in Absolutely Fabulous. I thought it was a thing of beauty, joy and pure genius and my desire to have one surely needs no explanation. Lynn, Newcastle upon Tyne
‘Jessica Fletcher’s typewriter from Murder She Wrote’
Murder She Wrote saved me when my two autistic sons were little. For their naps I would have to sit and hold them for an hour first, so I could watch one thing in peace. I’d like to own Jessica Fletcher’s typewriter as it’s there in the intro of all the early episodes, which gives me the happiest feeling. Also, it’s quite inspiring. Jessica went from a small town high school teacher into a bestselling, international author and super sleuth, while never losing her roots or sense of self – all in later life. It gave me hope back in the day that you are never too old for anything. I still watch them today and know my story will one day trip off a (hypothetical) typewriter. Karen, 58, Devon
‘Adam West’s Batmobile’

In some quarters, vehicles are considered to be the responsibility of the property department, rather than props. But if we stretch our definition to vehicles, then I’d have to go with the Adam West Batmobile. I grew up watching reruns of Batman in Detroit, Michigan and I always thought that it would be the coolest job in the world to be the person in charge of props. After earning a business degree, I wandered out west and ended up in Los Angeles looking for work. I met someone in a video rental store who told me they were hiring production assistants for a TV show they were working on, so I jumped at the opportunity. After a few years, I got my first job as a prop man on a horror film, and it’s been my job ever since. Greg, Los Angeles, USA
‘Mr Bean’s Mini’
Mr Bean is one of the most successful shows in the world. I was lucky enough to travel when I was younger and you would see folks guffawing at it all over. If you had Mr Bean’s car, you could go anywhere in it and it would be a conversation starter (especially with mechanics!) When I was little, we had a Mini just like Mr Bean’s, but not yellow. It was black and then painted battleship grey. (Ugh.) It brings back happy memories of trips to the park or occasionally, the seaside – which is a big deal when you grow up in Brum. Antony, 48, Tamworth
‘A Muhammad Ali photo from NCIS’
For many years on NCIS – which I worked on – the character Leon Vance had a famous photo on the wall in his office: Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston in the boxing ring. If any little part of that print was visible in an episode, I had to make sure Muhammad Ali Enterprises was credited at the end of the show. Various departments had to approve the full list of on-screen credits. At least a few times, a scene in Leon Vance’s office would end up being edited differently, and we’d then see the photo on the wall unexpectedly. Issuing credit revisions is never fun because you have to ask numerous busy people to review and approve the changes that sometimes have nothing to do with their department. From this experience, I decided I wanted to own that very print one day. Several years ago, the Ali photo was taken down and I asked for the print, but it needed to be kept around in case any flashbacks are ever shot in the director’s office. I still have my fingers crossed that I’ll have it one day. Justin Kilmer, TV producer, Los Angeles, US
‘A small gold nude sculpture from Fleabag’
I would like to own the small gold nude sculpture that featured prominently in Fleabag. I think Fleabag was pretty much the best show ever and I’d be thrilled to own any significant prop from the show, but really the sculpture is the best. As a sculptor who focuses on the human body, it would be perfect for me. I’ve watched the show three times all the way through, and I’m sure the fourth is not too far away. Christian Ristow, 53,Sweden
‘Joxer the Mighty’s helmet from Xena: Warrior Princess’
I started watching Xena: Warrior Princess in 1997 and immediately fell in love with it. My adoration was taken to new levels with the introduction of the character of Joxer The Mighty. He caused contention in those days, as many felt he was imposing on the lesbian subtext of the show. But as a young bisexual woman still figuring herself out, and someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but didn’t know it yet, Joxer’s zany behaviour wasn’t that outlandish to me. His unrequited love for Gabrielle, Xena’s bard sidekick and assumed lover, reminded me of the unreturned crushes I had growing up. Having that helmet would remind me of all of this, as well as the brilliant people who made the show and my friends in the fandom. Nancy Lorenz, 44, Perth, Australia