A Conservative MP who said eagles are not welcome in his constituency had his election campaign funded by a shooting estate, the Guardian can reveal.
The West Dorset MP, Chris Loder, caused outrage when he seemed to imply police should not be prioritising the investigation of the recent death of an endangered white-tailed eagle, found dead on an estate in his constituency.
After police confirmed there was a multi-agency investigation into the death of the eagle, including a toxicology report, Loder said: “Dorset is not the place for eagles to be reintroduced. I’m not challenging government for more money for Dorset so it goes on this.” He added that officers should be focusing on crimes such as those involving county lines gangs instead.
The eagle was one reintroduced on the Isle of Wight, where a successful programme has been taking place since summer 2019. The eagle went extinct in the UK in the early 20th century after they were continually poisoned and shot by gamekeepers.
Loder’s 2019 election campaign benefited from a £14,000 donation from the Ilchester Estates, which runs shoots in his constituency. Those who run shoots are often opposed to birds of prey being in the area, as when they fly over a shoot, the birds scatter, disappointing those who paid to kill them. They also occasionally predate on game birds.
The estates are run by Charlotte Townshend, an aristocrat worth almost £500m who has both farming and shooting interests. She also says she is the only person other than the Queen who is allowed to own swans.
Neither Townshend nor a spokesperson for the Ilchester Estates could be reached for comment, and there is no suggestion the eagle died on their land, nor because of anyone associated with the estate. The police have not as of yet revealed where the eagle was found.
Loder told the Guardian he did not feel he was influenced by the money from the estate, and his distaste for eagles in his constituency was because he had fears for their impact on farming. He said he had spent much time campaigning for animal welfare since being elected.
Loder added: “My views on sea eagles come from me being a farmers’ son and my continued best efforts to represent the needs of West Dorset’s farming community. I am not convinced that sea eagles being here are in their best interests. No briefing or consultation has taken place with me or others that I know of by Natural England, campaigners, nor the RSPB to explain how these risks are managed, nor to inform the farming community that indeed these birds are in Dorset.
“My policy views are formed in the best interests of the rural community I represent, which is also my home and where I was brought up. Any suggestion that I have been unduly influenced in this view is completely wrong.”
The Guardian understands that the government is considering action to stop raptor persecution on shooting estates by tightening licences in problem areas. There were 137 cases of confirmed raptor persecution in 2020, according to the RSPB.
Rebecca Pow, an environment minister, said: “There is always more we can do to tackle wildlife crime and we will carefully consider all of the UN’s recommendations – including those relating to raptor persecution – to help us build on the positive progress we have already made. Defra [the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs] sits on the police-led Raptor Persecution Priority Delivery Group, which takes forward activities to raise awareness and facilitate intelligence and incident reporting, leading to increased prevention and enforcement activity.”
Luke Steele, the executive director of Wild Moors and a campaigner against raptor persecution, urged that this crackdown be implemented “without delay”, adding: “Birds of prey including eagles, hen harriers and red kites have a rightful place and an important ecological role in the British countryside. To persecute them to preserve game birds for sports shooting flies in the face of the 68% of the public who support reintroduction of birds of prey.”