An MP will launch a fresh attempt to bring “world-beating liar” Boris Johnson to justice as she bids to ban lies from politics.
Plaid Cymru’s Westminster leader, Liz Saville Roberts, unveils a Bill to Parliament on Tuesday in the latest struggle to hold the Prime Minister to account.
The Tory chief already faces a probe by the Commons Privileges Committee into claims he deliberately misled MPs over Partygate.
He has been repeatedly accused of lying during a 20-year career in politics, but attempts to oust him have so far failed.
Ms Saville Roberts told the Mirror: “Boris Johnson is a world-beating liar - we all know it, yet our political system is incapable of holding him to account for it.
“I will bring a Bill before Parliament this week to punish politicians who deliberately lie to the public.”
She highlighted Partygate, misleading the Queen into proroguing Parliament in 2019 and what she dubbed the “infamous lie that Brexit would lead to £350million extra a week for the NHS ” as untruths from the PM.
“These examples are all unquestionable lies that can be disproven and challenged,” she said.
“There are countless other examples - he is, after all, a man who lies so casually, who spouts barefaced lies with such nonchalance, that it barely registers.
“Yet, our political system allows Boris Johnson and others to mislead and misrepresent without any consequences.”
She added: “The Prime Minister’s catalogue of lies is so extensive that it’s hard to keep up.”
Ms Saville Roberts will use a device called the Ten-Minute Rule to introduce her Elected Representatives (Prohibition of Deception) Bill.
Under her planned legislation, MPs and members of the Welsh Senedd, Stormont Assembly and Scottish Parliament, as well as Police and Crime Commissioners and elected mayors, could be convicted of making “false or misleading statements”.
It would not cover local councillors.

As well as statements made in parliaments, it would include social media, TV and radio broadcasts and election material.
Those convicted would face a fine and could be banned from standing for election for up to 10 years.
It comes after Labour MP Dawn Butler was ordered out of the Commons chamber last year for refusing to withdraw her claims that Boris Johnson was a liar.
A new Opinium poll for think-tank Compassion in Politics reveals 53% of voters were concerned by dishonesty from politicians, with 63% demanding more honesty in politics.
Compassion in Politics co-director Jennifer Nadel said: “Honesty sits at the heart of a decent society.
“We teach our kids not to lie, we expect our family, friends, and colleagues to tell the truth; politics should be no different - politicians need to set the standards, not ignore them.
“After months of duplicity and deception, we need action.
“We need to see that Parliament takes honesty seriously and will take the steps necessary to ensure this basic value is upheld and practiced by our government and representatives.
“In professions beyond politics, rules have been put in place to require honesty - now Parliament must do the same."
Read Liz Saville Roberts' exclusive piece for the Mirror
When I ran for Parliament in 2015, I was under no illusions - I knew there would be challenges to my party, opposition to our views and hostility to our success.
But at no point did I expect I would one day have to defend a principle that should be beyond question - that politicians should be honest.
Each day now brings with it more deception from the highest levels of government.
Lies have been told to win elections, spread hate and evade scrutiny.
Public faith in democracy has withered; according to a survey by the think-tank Compassion in Politics, the number one value that voters believe is absent in our politics is honesty.
That is why this week I bring before Parliament a Bill to make it an offence for politicians to wilfully lie to the public.

Introducing this Bill would finally bring Parliament in line with 21st Century standards.
No business can sell a product through deception, doctors cannot lie to their patients with impunity, nor can teachers to their students.
Like them, politicians engage in the art of persuasion.
But unlike them, we face no sanctions for doing so dishonestly.
Systems and rules are already in place to judge if a business or individual has set out to mislead - systems that we can replicate.
Honesty is not only the best policy, it is essential to the creation of policy.
It is an honour to attend Parliament and engage in decisions that affect our country.
But our ability as MPs to do so is being imperiled by a disease of dishonesty.
To quote Jonathan Swift: “Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.”
We must give wings and power to truth so that lies are overtaken and brought down before they do their ugly work.
A survey by Compassion in Politics found that 73% of people support my Bill.
That includes 71% of Conservative voters and 79% of Labour supporters.
At a time when unity and agreement are hard to come by, we must grasp this opportunity to change politics in a way that has the approval of the majority.