A mother-of-two was more than twice the drink-drive limit when she was found in charge of a vehicle and a child. Lucy Dean was found to be drunk in charge of a Mitsubishi car on Trenchard Avenue in Thornaby.
Tests which were carried out showed she had 88 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35, reports Teesside Live. During the same incident she was drunk in charge of a child.
Dean has now been given 10 penalty points on her driving licence after she was convicted of being in charge of a vehicle whilst over the legal drink-drive limit. She was sentenced at Teesside Magistrates' Court on Wednesday after being found guilty of being in charge of a vehicle whilst over the prescribed limit during an incident on July 13.
The 35-year-old from Thornaby woman was convicted following a trial which took place on October 19. She had previously admitted being drunk in charge of a child and the case had been adjourned for a pre-sentence report.
In mitigation Paul Watson said the defendant has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous and to try to resolve her issues. He said: "She has addressed her alcohol issues which is something she should be applauded for.
"She is the only driver in the household. Her partner is learning to drive and is assisted by her giving him extra tuition."

District Judge Marie Mallon handed the defendant 10 penalty driving points and a 12-month community order. Dean must also complete 12 rehabilitation days and pay costs of £734.
Judge Mallon told the defendant she must maintain 'standards of driving to perfection' and must cooperate with the order.
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