The mother of Luke Mitchell has said she will continue to fight for his innocence until the day she dies.
In 2003, Luke, who was 14 at the time, was later arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Jodi Jones, after being the first to find her body.
The case was one of the most horrific the Lothians has seen for decades, after Jodi's body was found assaulted and mutilated on a woodland path.
This week, a new documentary by Channel 5, 'Murder in a Small Town', aired on television, revisiting the case as a fresh investigation is carried out by private investigators.
Despite being found guilty of the crime and jailed for 20 years, Luke has always maintained his innocence, a statement that his mother, Corinne, said she would fight to the end to prove.
With findings in the programme stating that a number of leads were not followed up properly, Police Scotland have firmly argued that a thorough investigation was carried out.
But speaking to the Sun, Corinne said that her son was the "complete opposite" of what the investigation made him out to be.
She said: “When they arrested Luke he was only 15 and I felt absolutely devastated, helpless, angry - every negative emotion you could feel."
"Luke was the complete opposite of what they said about him.
“He's a good lad, who had never been in any trouble with the police before.”
On the evening of Jodi's murder, she had set off from her home at around 5pm to walk along a path that lead to Luke's home, however she never arrived.
At around 10pm, Luke claimed that he was concerned, and began a search party to find her, only to discover her body on the path, severely mutilated.
Dr Sandra Lean, a criminologist who is fighting to clear Luke, told the documentary: “Jodi had been beaten, her hair had been pulled out by the roots, she’d been strangled, her throat was cut between 12 and 20 times. She was virtually decapitated.”
In the time after the body was found, a great amount of evidence was collected from the scene, however despite there being samples of saliva, blood and semen, none of it was found to be Lukes.
Despite this, Luke was arrested in 2005 and convicted of murder, an action that Corinne believes was down to the pressure from locals and the media.
The main factors for his conviction circled around that he had been the first to quickly find the body, and that an eye witness had saw a young couple at the top of Roman’s Dyke who answered the description of Luke and Jodi, shortly before the murder.
She added:“It was a horrific murder and the police wanted to get the culprit. They had a 14-year-old child with no knowledge of the system and no experience of handling police. They thought it would be easy to bully him into confession, but he was never going to confess to a crime he didn’t commit.”

Corinne also defended her son's alibi that he was at home cooking dinner at the time of the murder, one which was not stood up by police.
Speaking about the verdict, she said:
“I'm not just saying he didn't do it because I'm his mother, I'm saying that because he was with me, he was in the house.
“The judge had ordered us to be silent and I had to curb my emotions, but as soon as I got to the bathroom I broke down.
“Luke’s father and I were allowed to be taken down to see him and he was in pure shock. His face was deathly white, and his lips were blue.
“He just looked at me and said: 'What the hell happened?'"
After Luke was sent to prison, Corinne explained that her and her families life has been horrendous.
Suffering from two strokes and multiple heart problems, her caravan business and home were targeted by vandals, leaving her to live in an office with no heating or water.
However, she has stated that she will never give up the fight to prove her son innocent, adding:
“He could have been out years ago if he had said he was guilty, but he's not going to say he did something he didn't do.
“Once it airs, I'm hoping people do the right thing, because Scotland locked up an innocent boy, and Jodi's murderer is walking free."