The woman who says Herschel Walker paid for her abortion in 2009 has detailed the experience in an interview with The Washington Post in which she accuses the Republican of resisting or slow-walking her efforts to get him to pay for the procedure.
Her story was published on Tuesday in The Washington Post; the unnamed woman described how Mr Walker told her that it was an inconvenient time for him to father a child when the pregnancy occurred in 2009.
She then went on to say that he promised to send a check but that the money did not materialise quickly — according to both the woman herself and a friend who says that she told them about the situation as it was happening, a days-long effort to secure Mr Walker’s payment had to be undertaken.
“She was like, ‘I’ll do it as soon as you send the check,’” the anonymous friend told the Post of the account of Ms Walker’s ex-girlfriend. “And he was like ‘I sent the check.’ And she was like, ‘It’s been seven days. I didn’t get it.’”
According to the Post, Mr Walker would go on years later to press the same woman to have a second abortion after he impregnated her again; this time, however, she refused and bore one of his four children into the world.
The new revelation, while minor, adds another layer to the increasingly messy situation developing around Donald Trump’s pick to unseat one of Georgia’s two Democratic senators who took office after a special election that played out in January of 2021.
Republicans had seen the state as their easiest shot to chip away at the Democrats’ 50-50 Senate majority, but the unprecedented issues that have hounded Mr Walker’s campaign in recent weeks have thrown that effort into jeopardy.
The Georgia Republican is now facing his own charges of absentee parenting and blatant hypocrisy over claims that he refused to publicly acknowledge the existence of several of his children as well as the claim that he funded an abortion in 2009.
But the GOP are insisting that they will stick with Mr Walker to the end, denouncing the stories as media smears.
“I think we’re going to stick with Walker and all the effort we put in through [Senate Leadership Fund], we’re going take it all the way to the end,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN
“I think they’re going to hang in there and scrap to the finish,” he added.
Mr Walker publicly continues to insist that the story is false and that he opposes abortions in all cases.