A mother-of-three was left incensed with rage after an Ubico refuse lorry caused severe damage to her garden wall, which crushed her children's trampoline in the process. The 42-year old, from Quedgeley, Gloucestershire now has concerns that the remains of the wall haven't been secured adequately - and that the local council hasn't done enough to clear the resulting debris.
Ellen Wilkinson was shocked by the damage caused to both the wall and the trampoline, but naturally relieved her kids weren't playing in the garden at the time. She is worried, however, that action hasn't been taken by authorities to prevent children from the neighbourhood from playing near the damage.
Mrs Wilkinson told Gloucestershire Live: "The incident happened on October 9 at 7.42am according to the neighbours CCTV. From what we can see on the footage, there was a car parked in the alley way and the lorry was reversing to avoid it and turn around.
"That is when the truck reversed into my garden wall. The men were lovely and were rally sorry and tried to clear up the brick and edged the gate so it would be secure and not flap in the wind. The wall is six feet tall and when it came down it squashed the trampoline in the process, and there are cracks in the wall as too."

Despite several calls and emails to Gloucester City Council, Mrs Wilkinson said she is still none the wiser as to what will happen next - and when.
She added: "With no wall, the garden is completely open to the public. Everyone can see in to my home. Some little ones who play in the area seem fascinated by the big pile of bricks. You can see where there are bricks around the corner where they have been picked up from the pile of rubble.
"It is not a secure space. I am cross the council have not been in touch. I would have thought they would have had someone out that day to put up a temporary fence. I called the council who eventually told me they had sent someone out to check the wall was safe and they said it was. I did not know anyone had been out.
"I would look to fix the wall myself but I am not allowed to do anything until someone has been out to assess the damage to the wall and trampoline. All I have since been told is that it has gone to the insurance. I am worried the wall is unsafe and someone is going to get hurt."
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