A mother has been arrested after leaving her two young children in a running car while she went to visit a bar.
Jamie Leigh Gunn’s two-year-old and eight-month-old children were left in the backseat of the vehicle in West Melbourne, Florida on Sunday, according to police.
An officer was conducting a routine business patrol when he noticed a black SUV parked behind Penny Annie’s bar with the engine still running.
The West Melbourne Police Department said that Ms Gunn, 33, had been visiting a friend inside the pub when her children were found.
“The doors to the vehicle were unlocked and the vehicle was running,” a statement read.
“The registered owner, 33-year-old Jamie Leigh Gunn of West Melbourne was located inside the bar visiting with a friend.”
Jamie Gunn is accused of leaving her two children in a car to visit a bar— (Police)
Further investigation discovered Ms Gunn was inside for “at least 20 minutes” and had “no regard for her children who were left unattended,” police said.
“When Gunn learned law enforcement was outside with her vehicle, she was more concerned about going to jail, than the welfare of her children,” according to the statement.
Ms Gunn was arrested and charged with child neglect after being taken to the Brevard County Jail with a $15,000 bond.
The Department of Children and Families was notified and Ms Gunn’s children are now in the care of a family member.