There's nothing more annoying than absolutely rinsing your opponent in a fighting game, only to have them throw a tantrum and pull the plug mid-match. NetherRealm devised a fun way to deal with cowardly disconnectors back in Mortal Kombat X with "Quitalities," where the loser finishes themselves with a neat head explosion or, in Mortal Kombat 11's case, a giant rock impaling them. It beats the classic "oops, sorry" disconnection screen and thankfully, it's making a return in the new entry.
Mortal Kombat 1's stress test took place over the weekend—on Xbox and PlayStation only, sadly—letting fans try out four fighters and three supports across a handful of stages offline, or against other players online. It seems like some players took the "stress" part of the stress test a little too literally online, with people facing more than a few rage quitters across the weekend.
10 minutes into the MK1 Stress Test and I've already had my first QUITALITY It's good to be back? 🤣 pic.twitter.com/5eypbYx7DtJune 23, 2023
On the bright side, it gave us a good look at the new flavour of Quitality Mortal Kombat 1 is bringing. Instead of head explosions or rock impalings, this time characters are taking to snapping their own necks to escape brutal beatings. Ouch. It's a neat animation though, with the stage slipping into a noir colour palette as the spine-tingling sound of crunching bones penetrates your earholes. Perhaps not everyone's cup of tea, but a very Mortal Kombat way of disconnecting from the match.
Hopefully, PC players won't have to wait long to be included in future betas or stress tests. The console one is wrapping up today (June 26) and there'll no doubt be another opportunity to play before its September 19 release date. Let's just hope NetherRealm manages to cull its mammoth 100GB install size before then.