More whales may be headed for fatal strandings on UK beaches an expert has warned.
Over the Easter weekend, a massive ten metre sperm whale washed up alive onto a beach in Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire.
Locals were shocked to spot the huge animal trapped out on the beach, and authorities quickly rushed to try and help.
But tragically, rescuing stranded sperm whales is an almost impossible task and it is believed it sadly died there on the sand, before being washed away when the tide came in.
Following the stranding, one of the experts involved in the response told the Mirror that it could be followed by other similar incidents.

Emily Mayman, Assistant co-ordinator for Yorkshire and Lincolnshire British Divers Marine Life Rescue, who responded to the stranding, said: “Hopefully we don't end up with more turning up because males can often break into bachelor groups and they will often go away on their own as a small group.
“Then as those males mature they'll disappear off on their own, and it's possible it could be one of these males that's gone off on its own or it could be a part of a larger group.”
She cautioned it could be reminiscent of a mass stranding of sperm whales that took place on Christmas Eve two years ago, in Withernsea.
All of the whales who turned up were male and Emily added: “We're just really hoping we don't end up with more turning up down the coast line.”

Similarly, in 2016, a number of sperm whales washed up in Lincolnshire and Norfolk who were all believed to have been from the same bachelor group.
Emily added: “So it's a case of if anybody happens to spot one that does turn up, give us a call and we can get somebody down there.”
Around midday on Good Friday, the ten metre whale washed up on the beach.
Divers from the British Divers Marine Life Rescue quickly responded.
But due to the whale’s sheer size, moving it is often impossible and can actually cause the animal even more suffering and pain.

Whilst it first showed sign of life, splashing about in the water as the tide came in but its blowhole was low down in the water as it became submerged.
On top of that, due to its massive weight, when on land sperm whales exert immense pressure onto their own organs which can kill them - as they evolved used to pressure spread across the body under water.
Emily told the Mirror: "Because of their size, their internal organs would be compressed into positions that wouldn't help them survive.
"When they're on the beach, all the pressure is on their internal organs and moving them around can make things worse.
"Dragging them back out into the water can prolong the suffering."

After being submerged, the whale is believed to have died and was swept back out to sea.
Videos and images from the scene showed the massive whale surrounded by rescue crews and its body covered in bloody grazes from being dragged along the sand.
If Brits do see anymore stranded whales, they shouldn't approach them for a number of reasons, including their own safety, and showing respect to the animal.
But alongside that whales can carry zoonotic diseases - illnesses which pass from animal to human.
Lincolnshire British Divers Marine Life Rescue are fundraising to help them continue their work, to donate click here.