The Russian invasion of Ukraine has continued with thousands of Ukrainians fleeing Kyiv and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy revealing more than 130 casualties already.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison also announced further sanctions against the powers that be and also promised to provide 'non-lethal' military equipment and medical supplies to Ukraine in coordination with NATO countries.
Ukrainian citizens who have applied for Australian visas will also be getting fast-tracked as the invasion continues. Mr Morrison said 430 visa applications from Ukrainians had been received.
The PM and his Defence Minister, Peter Dutton, condemned China for supporting Russia and not joining other nations in imposing sanctions, a refrain, The Canberra Times told its subscribers, the electorate can expect to hear again as the election countdown continues.
Across Australia, certain states will be ease mask mandates from tonight. In most indoor situations, the people of New South Wales, Victoria, and Australian Capital Territory will all no longer have to wear masks.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said the new relaxed mask rules shows the state is "moving forward" as it continues to record thousands of new COVID-19 infections daily.
Deadly storms are expected to hit south-east Queensland, potentially triggering flash flooding. Major flood warnings have been announced for residents of Gympie, north of the Sunshine Coast, where it's expected the Mary River could reach levels not seen since the major flooding of February 1999.
Floods in NSW have also claimed the life of a man on the Central Coast overnight. The body of the 54-year-old man was found in a Toyota LandCruiser near the Maddens Creek crossing at Matcham, east of Gosford, about 1.30am Friday.
Meanwhile the union watchdog has concluded its investigation into the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and will not be recommending charges.
The investigation is related to the 2017 Australian Federal Police raids on the AWU office and is centred on whether donations from the AWU to Labor candidates and GetUp were properly authorised when Bill Shorten led the union.
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