Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has a lot of crossover events and one of these is a quest where players can become The Witcher's Geralt of Rivia.
Taking control of Geralt, you will have to do some investigative work and later slay the mighty Leshen. In order to finish this event, hunters must complete a series of quests.
This guide helps you figure out what quests these are so that you can finally battle it out with the mysterious creature.
The first thing you need to know is that you need at least Hunter Rank 16 to unlock the event quest, which is what you also need to start the Iceborne expansion.
Starting The Witcher Event Quest
You need to travel to Astera and talk to the Felyne who is near the Provision area with a blue exclamation mark above his head.
Then, talk to the Lynian Expert in the Research Base to get word of a "strange creature" that followed a Tailrider Safari back to base, according to Eurogamer.
Following a series of revelations, a portal opens and Geralt comes out and he is then sent out to investigate the Ancient Forest. After finishing this part of the event, you will have to complete the Pukei-Pukei in Peril quest.
After that comes The Chief Issue quest which requires you to have completed all of the Grimalkyne quests and gotten access to the Meowlotov Cocktail. Completing this gives you access to the Leshen quest.
How To Beat Leshen
Investigating and actually fighting the Leshen are two completely different things due to the creature's powerful magic. This monster is able to control flora and fauna within their territory to attack their foes, said IGN.
Fighting the base Leshen requires you to take control of Geralt who can use Igni to damage the monster. One of the moves that you need to look out for is the monster's teleportation spell which can catch you off-guard.
Using the Poison status is also beneficial as the Leshen is weak to it, giving you more damage throughout the fight. You can also use Igni to one-shot Jagras that the monster summons during the third phase.
Beat the Ancient Leshen
The latest update to this event quest gives players a chance to defeat an Ancient Leshen using their own characters and gear. If you have a strong Fire weapon, using it is recommended as the monster is particularly weak to this element.
The main difference this version has is that it is resistant to poison and no longer susceptible to it. This means that focusing on its elemental weakness is the way to go to deal more damage to slay it.
All things considered, this fight is similar to the base Leshen quest but you get access to stronger and augmented gear. Flash Pods can also be useful to interrupt some of the Ancient Leshen's attacks, according to RockPaperShotgun.
Simply do what you did with the normal Leshen and keep an eye on your health and you'll beat the Ancient Leshen in no time.