Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's flagship monster is Velkhana, a powerful Ice-based elder dragon that can devastate even the most experienced hunters.
Fortunately, this monster guide helps players, both newcomers and veterans, understand Velkhana's weaknesses and its attack patterns to reliably take it down. In this article, we talk about the monster's elemental weaknesses as well as its breakable parts.
In the main story in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Velkhana appears in the Master Rank 3 assigned quest "A Tale of Ice and Fire." You then fight the monster in the Master Rank 4 assigned quest "The Defense of Seliana."
After that, you can finally fight Velkhana head-on in the Master Rank 5 assigned quest "The Iceborne Wyvern." Probably one of the most important things you need to bring is Cool Drinks to help mitigate the effects of the Hoarfrost Reach on your hunter, according to IGN.
Velkahana's Weaknesses
Being an Ice-type monster, Velkhana is highly susceptible to the Fire element, so bringing weapons that specialize in this will help you in your hunt. If you don't have any Fire-element weapons, you can also use Thunder or Dragon elements to deal more damage to Velkhana.
If you would rather specialize in a particular ailment, then Blast is the way to go, followed by Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, and Stun. Whenever you attack Velkhana, you should be focusing on its head, wings, or tail to deal the most damage.
Velkhana's Attack Patterns
While dealing damage is the only way to beat Velkhana, you also need to make sure that you are avoiding as much damage as you can by learning the monster's attack patterns.
Velkhana, being an Ice-type monster, is able to control freezing temperatures to subdue hunters, said GamesRadar.
The most basic attack that Velkhana can do is its Tail Stab attack which it can do twice in its regular form and three times in its Rage mode. Furthermore, it can finish its combo with either a straight stab or a sweeping attack.
Another attack that you should keep a lookout for is Velkhana's Ice Beam which can deal devastating damage if you take it head-on. One thing to note about this attack is that it also interacts with the various ice mists that Velkhana scatters throughout the field.
If the Ice Beam hits any of these mists, it would create ice walls that can damage the hunter if they are standing on top of it.
Velkhana can fire off its Ice Beam either in a straight line or in a sweeping motion in front of it, so make sure to avoid it by dodging or getting away from the target area.
Other Tips
It is also recommended to bring Nulberries when you go and hunt Velkhana as the monster's attacks can cause Iceblight that can cripple you if you simply ignore it.
Additionally, you can bring an Iceproof Mantle to prevent the ailment whenever you have it equipped.
You can also upgrade your armor to the maximum that you can to increase your defense which will reduce the damage you take from Velkhana's attacks.
This could help you survive with enough health left to drink a Mega Potion and keep yourself from carting, according to TuppenceMagazine.