Just a day before Monster Hunter Wilds launches, Capcom has decided to announce new details for the game's first Title Update, which is scheduled to add Mizutsune to its large roster of monsters.
These details include its release window and what kind of content the game will bring for its post-game/endgame.
Here's everything you need to know from this announcement.
Title Update 1 – Release Date! We’re pleased to confirm that TU1 for Monster Hunter Wilds will arrive in early April! This will give hunters enough time to prepare for the new content, and challenges, that await them! pic.twitter.com/xbbPY2z5B9February 27, 2025
For starters, Capcom has confirmed that Monster Hunter Wilds' 1st Title update will be dropping in around early April 2025, giving players plenty to finish the game before engaging in the Title Update's content.
The second announcement is that in addition to adding Mizutsune, this Title Update will bring with it two challenging monsters. According to Capcom, one of these unknown monsters is said to be stronger than the recently revealed Tempered Monsters.
Title Update 1 – A Place to Gather! A new place to meet, communicate, have meals together and more with other hunters will be added to #MHWilds in TU1! This area will be available to hunters who have completed the main story, so get hunting and be ready! pic.twitter.com/AIRplRUqZ1February 27, 2025
Lastly, Capcom has stated Monster Hunter Wilds first Title Update will add in a special place where players can gather online to commune and eat meals together to gain passive buffs before a hunt.
Capcom notes that this area will only be accessible once players complete the game's main storyline.
It seems that Capcom's already looking to address some of our complaints with this update
In my editorial critiquing Monster Hunter Wilds' lackluster difficulty and in our Executive Editor, Jez Corden's review of the Xbox version, we both mentioned that some of the game's problems included a lack of a proper Gathering Hub and its currently light endgame content.
For those unaware, the Gathering Hub is a stable of the Monster Hunter series where players could gather together to form hunting parties and eat meals cooked by the iconic Palicos so your group can have passive buffs before starting a quest.
In these Gathering Hubs, players could also hang out with one another and have fun by performing emotes at each other or play arm-wrestling mini-games as the Gathering Hub in Monster Hunter World allowed you to do.
Granted, it's understandable why a Gathering Hub wasn't in Monster Hunter Wilds due to the nature of its story and setting. However, it was still disappointing to see the Gathering Hub gone in this game.
Hanging out in Base Camps didn't feel as inviting as Gathering Hubs, and having meals prepared by regular Villagers instead of Palicos just made the game feel generic and lacked Monster Hunter's signature goofy charm without them.
So it's nice to see that the Gathering Hub is being brought back in so quickly in the game's first Title Update, and we won't have to loiter in Base Camps for too long after the game launches.
As for the endgame content, I mentioned in my editorial that one of the game's biggest problems currently is the lack of things to do once you complete the game.
Once you get past the mainline Low Rank and High Rank questlines, there isn't much to do aside from collecting cosmetic Layered Armor, hunting a couple of new monsters not found in Low Rank quests, and hunting Tempered Monsters for stat-boosting Decorations and parts to create special 'Artian' Weapons.
So it is nice to see that Capcom is already taking steps to fill out its endgame content with multiple new monsters to hunt. While I'm not too thrilled to see Mizutsune again so soon after fighting three versions of it in Monster Hunter Rise, I'm interested in seeing what these unannounced monsters are.
Capcom's comment about adding in a monster stronger than Tempered Monsters in particular has my attention because it could be a hint of the return of Arch-Tempered Monsters from Monster Hunter World.
Title Update 1 - A New Level of Challenge! Prepare your gear, and resolve, hunters! TU1 will bring with it a monster of formidable strength at a level above Tempered! Another challenging monster will also await you! pic.twitter.com/DsMzNe6eSIFebruary 27, 2025
Arch-Tempered Monsters were some of the most brutal and challenging beasts ever added to Monster Hunter World. They had tons more health than Tempered Monsters, they were capable of killing players in one or two hits even with fully upgraded gear, and they gained new attacks that caught even veteran players off guard.
As a hardcore fan of Monster Hunter World, I would love to see Arch-Tempered Monsters make a comeback in Monster Hunter Wilds. It would certainly help address my complaints of Monster Hunter Wilds being too easy because, at the moment, only Tempered versions of Arkveld, Gore Magala, and Jin Dahaad scratch my itch for a true challenge.
On top of that, the possibility of Arch-Tempered Monsters added to Monster Hunter Wilds could give us new loot to hunt for in the endgame, as Arch-Tempered Monsters in Monster Hunter World had completely new armor sets with new passive skills separate from their regular counterparts.
Of course, my prediction about Arch-Tempered monsters making it to Monster Hunter Wilds could be wrong, and we might see a new, entirely original classification of powered-up versions of monsters to deal with instead.
However, we will have to wait and see what kind of new monsters Monster Hunter Wilds' 1st Title Update will have in store for us when it arrives in early April 2025.
I just hope that Monster Hunter Wilds' 1st Title Update will include a secret balance patch that will nerf the overpowered Focus Strike and Wounds mechanics.
Plus, I would like to see secret balance adjustments to make all the enemies stronger, even in Low Rank quests, so that players can truly feel challenged throughout the whole game, rather than at the end of the endgame.
Monster Hunter Wilds, the next-gen successor to one of Capcom's best Xbox games and best PC games, Monster Hunter World, is scheduled to launch on February 28, 2025, for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.