Monster Hunter games have always been excellent action games at their core, but the main attraction to each new entry is undoubtedly seeing what wildlife Capcom is going to conjure up or bring back. Thankfully, Monster Hunter Wilds carries the high standards of the series forward with fantastic new creature designs and a returning roster that includes some of the series best beasts instead of rehashing the usual suspects – with special love shown to Monster Hunter 4, which tragically only ever appeared on the 3DS.
Monster Hunter World, being the first game in the series designed for HD consoles, brought the series to new heights. Despite that, its variety of beasts played it safer than ever. Monster Hunter has always had a number of typical large monsters like lizards, birds, and – of course – dragons; these have always made up a majority of the series' targets. But in Monster Hunter World's Low Rank questline, that's pretty much all you fight. Wilds is a complete departure from that – and this sense of variety is what makes it perfect for new and returning players alike.
Warning: spoilers for the monsters that appear in Monster Hunter Wilds' first two chapters
Outranked, outflanked

"...and an early contender for game of the year". Check out our Monster Hunter Wilds review for more.
First, let's look back at Monster Hunter World's opening salvo. You kick things off against the giant lizard Great Jagras, battle with the two birds Kulu Ya Ku and Pukei Pukei, before taking on the one Leviathan in the game, Jyuratodus (who unfortunately kind of sucks). But from there on out, you're pretty much exclusively fighting more lizards, dinosaurs, and dragons with the occasional detour thanks to something like the balloon bat Paolumu.
That isn't to denigrate the monsters in World, mind you. I think Anjanath is an absolutely sick design despite being basically a T-Rex, while the Odogaron is one of the coolest designs in the entire series, and the Bazelguese, who would appear at random to carpet bomb your hunt, is an all-timer who I would love to see in every game. But there's no denying that Monster Hunter World was not very adventurous in Low Rank.
In comparison, Monster Hunter Wilds is a breath of fresh air. Your first scrap is saving a villager from the Chatacabra, a big amphibian bastard that is basically a frog crossbred with a gorilla. Amphibians were completely absent from Monster Hunter World, so right away, Wilds does things differently. After that comes a big bird (as is tradition in early-game Monster Hunter), followed by the Lala Barina – which is a Temnoceran (or as their friends call them, a big ass spider).
This is another type of creature that was completely absent from Monster Hunter World, and even Monster Hunter Rise didn't introduce the arachnid-esque Ragna-Kadaki until High Rank. But the best part? Wilds only gets, well, wilder from here.
Going beast mode

There's really been nothing like it before in the series.
As you continue through Capcom's latest, you'll face off with a bright pink gorilla with the face of a hippo whose main attacks are farting on you, doing its business into its tail to sling dookie grenades at you, and using its big belly to reflect attacks. No, really.
Then, there's a giant floating eel (the first flying Leviathan in the series) and a toxic bird that inflates itself like a balloon. And when you do finally draw your weapon in front of a dragon, it's treated like the main event of a packed WWE card. Rey Dau appears during a massive sandstorm-thunderstorm hybrid, and this lightning rod dragon harnesses the elements to its will, leading to a bout that I'd unironically use the word 'epic' to describe. Dragons are supposed to be mythic creatures, and when they do show up in Monster Hunter Wilds, you really feel that.
With so many returning creatures poised to steal the spotlight, it makes it even more impressive that Capcom also introduces what is – for my money – the best monster type since Leviathans and Fanged Wyverns were introduced in Generation 3. At some point through your journey, you'll witness a band of intimidating Ajarkan being demolished by a gooey creature known only as 'The Black Flame,' introducing the brand new Cephalopod class with Nu Udra.
Fighting a monster that can slither around the arena while attacking you with multiple massive limbs is the highlight of Wilds' Low Rank. There's really been nothing like it before in the series. The octopus theming also makes for a fight that's equal parts impressive and creepy. Managing to cut one of its tentacles off only to see it flop around on the ground as the beast escapes into a crack in the wall is a moment that exceeded my every expectation of Wilds; as well as one of the most impressive bits of animation the series has to offer.
Monster Hunter Wilds, like most games in the series, really shifts into high gear during the High Rank quests. But thanks to the fantastic monster choices during the Low Rank, it's probably the most exciting and varied opening quests the series has ever seen. This variety makes the game feel far more adventurous, as every giant thing you’re bonking on the head and turning into clothes feels like a brand new discovery at every turn – one of many reasons why Monster Hunter Wilds is such a fantastic entry into the series.
Here's all the best Monster Hunter games of all time, ranked