THE DOLLAR figure on councillor pay slips is headed for a hike as Newcastle's elected officials vote to give themselves the maximum pay rise available including superannuation.
Newcastle lord mayor Ross Kerridge will collect $146,590 each year while councillors will be paid $35,620.
Cr Kerridge said the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal sets the scope of the fees payable to the chairperson and councillors.
"Essentially, we're saying that for a city the size of Newcastle it is appropriate for us to be paid at that rate, and that amount is varied by an amount more or less reflecting CPI, which is also set by the tribunal," he said.
"I tend to agree that it seems inappropriate that we vote on our own allowance, but that's how the system works."
Labor Cr Elizabeth Adamczyk moved a change to the motion asking the council to write to the local government minister, the Office of Local Government and Local Government NSW telling them councillors should not have to vote to adopt their own fees, including superannuation.
Instead, the council will recommend the tribunal be tasked with setting the remuneration for mayors and councillors consistent with the way remuneration is set for state members of parliament.
Greens Cr Sinead Francis-Coan said as uncomfortable as it is to decide on their own pay, the idea behind it is to make standing as a councillor more accessible.
"For people that didn't have the financial means to volunteer their time and the concept of superannuation being part of those considerations has also seen a lot more women be able to participate in local government," she said.
"I think it's pleasing to see that it has been successful in that regard, so I support it."
The minimum Newcastle councillors could have been paid is $20,500 and $68,530 for the mayor.
Councillors receive superannuation at the Federal Super Guarantee rate.