It’s not necessary to be best friends with your neighbors, but it will probably make your life much easier if you can at least be cordial. Bring them brownies when they first move in, keep an eye on their home when they’re on vacation for a few weeks and don’t hesitate to share a cup of sugar when they run out. However, one of the cardinal rules of staying on good terms with your neighbors is to never mess with their parking spots. Because if you do, you’re just asking for trouble.
One man recently posted on Reddit detailing how some parking drama with his parents’ neighbors resulted in the police being called. Below, you’ll find the full story, as well as some of the replies readers shared.
This man was confused when he noticed that one of his parents’ neighbors kept parking in their driveway

Image credits: Anurag Jamwal/Pexels (not the actual photo)
But when they refused to stop, even after being asked nicely, he didn’t hesitate to escalate the situation

Image credits: RDNE Stock project/Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Kindel Media/Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: JetPlane_88
Almost half of the drivers in the UK have had a parking dispute with a neighbor

Image credits: RDNE Stock project/Pexels (not the actual photo)
When you finally get home after a long day in the office, the last thing you want to do is circle your block a dozen times desperately hoping that a parking spot opens up somewhere. In fact, 46% of drivers in the UK consider parking to be the most stressful part of driving, so it’s even more painful when the only thing standing between you and laying on your couch is a lack of space on the street.
Everyone should have a designated spot for their car where they live, and everyone should be respectful of those living around them. But unfortunately, parking drama is one of the easiest ways to turn your neighbors into enemies.
The Independent reports that nearly half of UK drivers have had an issue with a neighbor when it comes to parking their cars. This includes neighbors blocking driveways, stealing parking spots and blocking access to garages.
And over a third of drivers in the UK admit that they often feel like they have to compete with neighbors for parking spots.
So how can homeowners go about resolving these issues before they escalate into full-on wars between residents? Super Lawyers has an article on their site breaking down how these conflicts can be fixed while keeping the law in mind. First, they recommend looking into the laws that govern parking in your area.
When parking issues can’t be resolved peacefully, calling in law enforcement might be necessary

Image credits: Pixabay/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Your city might have local ordinances that address parking issues, and your local government might be responsible for enforcing parking regulations. Or, if you live in a neighborhood with an HOA, they might be the best people to talk to about resolving a parking dispute.
When you’re ready to take action, try to first have a calm and respectful conversation with your neighbor. Give them the benefit of the doubt, as they might not have even realized how much they were inconveniencing you.
If you have a landlord, it’s probably best to loop them into the situation as well. And if you can’t manage to track down your neighbor to have a conversation face to face, you can write them a letter expressing your concerns.
When none of that gets you anywhere, it might be time to file a complaint with your local law enforcement. The police should be able to help you, especially if a neighbor is guilty of trespassing or harassing you. And if it escalates to that point, you might even want to pursue legal action against the neighbor.
We all want to live in harmony with the people around us, but sometimes, it’s important to set boundaries and defend what’s rightfully yours. (In this case, a driveway.) Feel free to share your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article discussing parking disputes between neighbors, we recommend reading this one next!
Many amused readers applauded the author for standing up for himself, and he joined in on the conversation in the comments