Former Love Island star Molly-Mae Hague announced a personal link to Deborah James as she praised the campaigner after she received her Damehood.
Molly-Mae took to social media on Friday, expressing: "I was so touched by her journey," BirminghamLive reports.
"You are incredible," she continued, "My mum went to an event especially to meet Deborah a few years back because we were so touched by her journey and podcast.
"What an amazing woman she is having nearly raised four million pounds."
Deborah James began working as a journalist after she was diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer, hoping to raise awareness of the condition.

Initially sharing her journey writing for the Sun, in March 2018 she began hosting the BBC 5 podcast 'You, Me and the Big C' co-starring alongside fellow cancer patients Lauren Mahon and Rachael Bland - the latter of whom sadly passed away in September 2018.
In addition to her journalism, the 40-year-old is known online as BowelBabe, and has been honoured for her campaigning and fundraising efforts.
On Monday May 9, she announced on her website that the time had come to say goodbye, as her cancer became more difficult to fight.

Deborah wrote: "So, I suppose this is the message I never wanted to get to! But it's written with a vision that I'm truly determined to deliver.
"We have tried everything, but my body simply isn’t playing ball. Even with all the innovative cancer drugs in the world or some magic new breakthrough, I realise that my rollercoaster of a ride is coming to an end very soon.
"Your support in establishing the Bowelbabe Fund, continuing to spread the word, and smashing those poo taboos will forever be cherished!"
She continued to thank her supporters, and urged them to continue to donate to the BowelBabe fund.

"All I ask is that next time you pop for a coffee or grab a drink with a friend, please consider donating the cost of one extra for me," she wrote.
"Please help me, my family & everyone around us give a final F*** YOU to cancer! You are all incredible, thank you for playing your part in my journey."
And her plea didn't fall on deaf ears, as the BowelBabe fund has now received more than £5m in donations - and Deborah even received a Damehood for her efforts.

She said: "I'm humbled and blown away that five years of talking about poo can lead to a damehood! I feel honoured and shocked that I even got considered. I can simply only give thanks for the wonderful people in the world and say the most heartfelt thank you for your unconditional support not just now but over the years."
The money Deborah raised will go towards Cancer Research UK.