Molly-Mae Hague has received the meme treatment after comments she made during a podcast on privilege and background where she said: “we all have the same 24 hours in a day” to achieve our goals have landed her in hot water online.
The 22-year-old reality star who shot to fame in 2019 on the fifth series of Love Island discussed her success as an influencer and creative director for the fashion brand, PrettyLittleThing on the podcast The Diary of A CEO.
Speaking to Dragon Den star and podcast host Steven Bartlett, she said: “When I’ve spoken about that in the past I have been slammed a little bit, with people saying ‘it’s easy for you to say that because you’ve not grown up in poverty, so for you to sit there and say we all have the same 24 hours in a day is not correct.’ But, technically, what I’m saying is correct. We do.”
Hague then added that she understood how “we all have different backgrounds and we’re all raised in different ways and we do have different financial situations,” but said that she believes “if you want something enough you can achieve it.”
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She added that it also “depends on what lengths you want to go” in to get to where you want to be in the future.
Commenting on her own work ethic, Hague said: “And I’ll go to any length. I’ve worked my absolute a**e off to get where I am now.”
It’s fair to say people didn’t find these words inspirational as Hague perhaps intended as she quickly began trending on Twitter with people mocking her comments via memes on her failure to grasp the nature of social inequality and the difficulty of escaping poverty.
Here are some of the most viral and popular memes on the topic:
molly mae to people living in poverty pic.twitter.com/V4OQatf8F8
— sophie 🥀 (@s0phiem_) January 6, 2022
Molly Mae watching everyone using their same 24 hours to drag her pic.twitter.com/F3EJ955Hak
— Tevin. (@OBSXSSION1) January 6, 2022
Molly Mae visiting the Pretty Little Thing sweatshop pic.twitter.com/NGMIBUlRrf
— Louis Staples (@LouisStaples) January 6, 2022
Molly Mae is just Joe Rogan for huns.
— Jamie Boyle (@JamieSBoyle) January 6, 2022
PLT workers Molly Mae:
— Dobby Club (@DobbyClub06) January 6, 2022
On £3.50
Per hour: pic.twitter.com/v0iUBwmd4x
Molly Mae’s 24hrs My 24hrs pic.twitter.com/N6JMf2s9E4
— Joshuã (@jtok93) January 6, 2022
me: *clocking out at work*
— richard (@RichardSmiiith) January 6, 2022
Molly Mae: pic.twitter.com/ZnJqXhXHLA
Pretty Little Thing workers listening to Molly Mae talk about how hard she works and then looking at their payslip... https://t.co/VKVV3Ctgkc
— Rob Weatherhead (@RobWeatherhead) January 6, 2022
me realising I have the same 24 hours in the day as molly mae pic.twitter.com/oldpBKDEbq
— Joe Gilmore (@Gilology) January 6, 2022
about to get and early night please don’t tell molly mae
— Parker (@panoparker) January 6, 2022
just got my SFE text, now I agree w Molly Mae, u lot r just lazy pic.twitter.com/QZinXgL3in
— kendall roy apologist 🇿🇼 (@c0nsumeristbr4t) January 6, 2022
A preview of Molly Mae’s impending YouTube apology pic.twitter.com/ducA1G67WF
— joyce (@joy_cccc) January 6, 2022
I’ve been taking Molly Mae’s advice x pic.twitter.com/bHIN7l2q6m
— Josh ‘On Tour Link in Bio’ Berry (@JoshBerryComedy) January 6, 2022
— David Taylor (@Big_Hamish) January 6, 2022
Woke up late for work pic.twitter.com/E1sQOjZr8T
“Tranmere Rovers losing out to Aston Villa on Coutinho is laughable. Every club has the same 24 hours to get deals over the line, it’s just a case of how much you want it.” https://t.co/flvhQ6BcTL pic.twitter.com/tTvQKIUKO8
— HLTCO (@HLTCO) January 7, 2022
In a statement given to indy100, a spokesperson for Hague said:
“Molly did a podcast interview in December about her own rise to success. If you listen to the full conversation and interview Molly was asked about how the nature of her potential grows and how she believes in herself. This part of the interview was discussing time efficiency relating to success.
“Molly refers to a quote which says ‘We all have the same 24 hours in a day as Beyonce’. She was discussing her own experience and how she can resonate with this specific quote. Her opinion on if you want something enough you can work hard to achieve it is how she keeps determined with her own work to achieve more in her own life.
“Molly is not commenting on anyone else’s life or personal situation she can only speak of her own experience. She acknowledges that everyone is raised in different ways and from different backgrounds but her comments here are in reference to timing, hard work and determination in her own life.
“If you listen to this interview you can see the whole conversation was about her own personal circumstances, how she has grown up and this small clip in the conversation was talking about a quote that inspires her.
“Social media users have shared a short snippet from this interview with words such as “if you are homeless buy a house” and “if you are poor be poor” these are absolutely not Molly’s words, these are not Molly’s thoughts and this isn’t at all the meaning or thought behind that conversation.”