Speaking at the ministerial roundtable ‘Globalization of Indian tech and innovation talent’ at India Global Forum, the minister said that India’s Digital Public Platforms have tested for both scale and cost effectiveness. “Our Prime Minister has already made it clear that the world will benefit from the India stack."
Chandrasekhar added that the future of technology is going to be different from what we have experienced with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Extended Reality/ Augmented Reality, High Power compute etc. will catalyze innovation in various fields.
The minister, speaking at the backdrop of India assuming the presidency of G20 and the council chair of GPAI Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, said that there is need for collaboration amongst countries. “The coming decades will be driven by partnerships."
He further said that India is a trusted technology partner which is catalyzing its digital economy by ensuring safety and trust of its digital nagriks (citizens).
Chandrasekhar added that the new Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022 does a fine job at balancing seemingly contradictory objectives of safeguarding citizens privacy, ensure ease of doing business and providing for max governance. “The bill was drafted keeping India’s vibrant startup and innovation ecosystem in mind."
Later in the day, the minister and his counterpart from the UAE government, Omar Sultan Al Olama participated in a moderated session titled Partners in Disruption & Innovation. The dialogue builds upon the two minister’s engagement in last year’s IGF as well as Rajeev Chandrasekhar’s visit to Dubai earlier this year to explore the levers to make technological collaborations between India and UAE a success.
The minister also met the senior leadership of organizations such Sequoia, Coinbase and VerSe as a part of his visit to the IGF2022.