Lisa Phillips, a former model scout and agent in Los Angeles, recently opened up about her traumatic experience with the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. In a candid podcast interview, Phillips recounted her encounter with Epstein on his private island, shedding light on the issue of human trafficking and its far-reaching impact.
Phillips, who had aspirations of becoming a top model, found herself in a vulnerable position when she was sexually assaulted by Epstein during a visit to Little Saint James island. She described how Epstein initially appeared charming and made her feel special, only for the situation to escalate into abuse under the guise of a massage.
Following the incident, Phillips struggled with feelings of shame and confusion, turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with the trauma. She highlighted the power dynamics at play, noting that Epstein's influence and manipulation made it difficult for victims to speak out.

Despite the challenges she faced, Phillips eventually found the courage to share her story and seek justice. She testified in a civil case involving another Epstein accuser and received a settlement in a legal case related to the abuse she suffered.
Phillips emphasized the importance of speaking out and supporting fellow survivors, underscoring the need for awareness and advocacy in combating abuse in various industries. Through her podcast, she aims to provide a platform for healing and empowerment for victims of abuse.
Looking ahead, Phillips expressed a sense of empowerment and readiness to help others speak out against abuse. She hopes that her story will inspire others to seek justice and create a safer environment for individuals in all professions.